
energy channel造句

energy channel造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:47:03


energy channel造句

  • 1、We need willpower to channel our Qi, our spiritual energy.(我們需要自己的意志力來運氣,我們的精神能量。)
  • 2、To promote the diversification of energy import and construct the land-based safeenergy channel has became China's inevitable choice to walk out of the energy difficult position.(促進能源進口多元化,構(gòu)建能源陸上安全通道已成為中國走出能源困境的必然選擇。)
  • 3、By looking at the big picture, it helps you realize what does matter and what doesn't so that you can then channel your energy accordingly.(著眼大局可以幫助你看清什么更重要,然后你可以根據(jù)重要性重新分配精力。)
  • 4、If you can channel your over abundance of red hot energy in constructive directions you could achieve a great deal.(如果你能將自己過盛的精力用于有建設(shè)性的方向上,你將成就極大。)
  • 5、Rather than fear the consequences, clients and consultancies should work together to channel creative energy into viable results.(而不是擔(dān)心后果的,客戶及顧問應(yīng)該攜手合作渠道,創(chuàng)造性地把能量轉(zhuǎn)化為可行的結(jié)果。) hao86.com
  • 6、Thus raising your vibrational level and exiting the emotion so as to not get caught into it, by doing so you will find better ways to channel this energy such as writing.(因此,提升你的振動能級及情緒的退出速度而不至于深陷其中,這樣做你會發(fā)現(xiàn)如寫信等引導(dǎo)精力的更好方法。)
  • 7、The meridian system is a transmission channel of energy and information which can only be transported by a soliton.(指出經(jīng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)是能量和信息的傳輸通道,且能量與信息在其中只能以孤立子的形式傳輸。)
  • 8、Undoubtedly, most of the kids will channel their energy into study rather than fantasy.(無疑孩子們將更可能將他們的精力注入到學(xué)習(xí)而不是幻想中。)
  • 9、The best thing is to channel your energy into dealing with tricky problems that you can attack with vigour.(最好的事就是把能量都花在處理狡猾的麻煩上,你會帶著活力出手。)
  • 10、You don’t try to control your energy; you channel it instead(你不試圖去控制你的能量,相反你會去疏導(dǎo))
  • 11、How we see things affects how much energy we have for doing things and our choices about where to channel what energy we do have.(我們?nèi)绾慰词虑橛绊懥宋覀兛梢該碛卸嗌倌芰縼硖幚硎虑橐约斑x擇如何運用我們的能量。)
  • 12、If we work together, we trust each other and, if we can channel this energy in the right direction, we can do fantastic things in TB!(如果我們團結(jié)起來,相互信任,如果我們能夠?qū)⑦@些力量導(dǎo)向正確的方向,我們將會在結(jié)核病方面做出卓越的工作!)
  • 13、Forcing a cool material to flow can generate excessive shear energy and localized degradation in the screw's flow channel.(強迫一種冷的材料流動會產(chǎn)生極大地剪切能,并在螺桿的流道中產(chǎn)生降解。)
  • 14、The attunement seems to turn on the student's ability to channel Reiki and there is a noticeable difference in the strength of healing energy students have before and after the attunement.(在之和諧似乎打開了學(xué)生的能力,渠道和有靈氣,在學(xué)生愈合能源實力有明顯差距前后之和諧的。)
  • 15、Shock waves can form when energy is quickly put into a confined channel; weak shock waves can be formed as trains enter tunnels.(當(dāng)能量在瞬間通過一個限制性通道時,沖擊波就會形成;火車在穿越隧道時就能產(chǎn)生微弱的沖擊波。)
  • 16、After the available energy is redistributed, the healer will often channel universal background energy into the patient's aura as an extra reserve for the patient to use at will.(重新分配有用能量之后,療愈者將會時常傳遞宇宙背景能量進入病人的光環(huán)作為病人隨意使用的額外儲備。)
  • 17、The energy is enveloped in a plasma containment sphere shaped by emitter cowls that channel the sonic beam.(引導(dǎo)聲波束的發(fā)射罩形成等離子體禁閉球,將能量包裹在球體中。)
  • 18、Q. Is it possible to channel that anxious energy into better performance?(有沒有可能將因焦慮耗費的精力用于創(chuàng)造更好的表現(xiàn)?)
  • 19、The test system has many advantage such as high speed, highenergy channel resolution, high reliability, high extendibility and low cost.(整個測試系統(tǒng)具有高速、高能道分辨率、高可靠性、可擴展性強和低成本等優(yōu)點。)
  • 20、When we do this, we channel a negative habit into a creative process, thus using our energy to change the world around us in a positive way.(當(dāng)我們這樣做時,我們將一個消極的習(xí)慣引導(dǎo)向一個創(chuàng)造性的過程,因此我們在用一種積極的方式用我們的精力改變我們周圍的世界。)
  • 21、In fact, the researchers say that such behaviors serve a temporary purpose when we're not able to channel our energy more productively.(研究人員表示,事實上,當(dāng)人們無法充分釋放自己的能量來做成一些事情時,這些行為可以暫時幫助人們排解。)
  • 22、Channel your energy into decorating or household chores.(花費精力裝飾自己的家庭。)
  • 23、Their creators believe the spheres channel and amplify sounds and one's own energy.(創(chuàng)造者們認(rèn)為,這些球體能傳遞并加強聲音和自己的能量。)
  • 24、In order to avoid committing felonies, I determined to channel my reckless energy into something constructive.(為了避免再次犯有重罪,我決定把自己魯莽的精力引向去做一些有益的事情。)
  • 25、Now the channel relationship wastes lots of resources and energy, which not only influences the realization of the goals, but also fails to meet the needs of the consumers.(這種渠道關(guān)系現(xiàn)狀消耗了雙方大量的資源和精力,既不利于雙方經(jīng)營目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn),也不利于高質(zhì)量的滿足消費者的需求。)

energy channel基本釋義