
energy content造句

energy content造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:47:02


energy content造句

  • 1、Theenergy content of fuels is directly related to the mass and not volume.(與燃料的發(fā)熱值直接有關(guān)的是質(zhì)量而不是容積。)
  • 2、The mass of a body is a measure of itsenergy content.(測(cè)量一個(gè)物體的質(zhì)量就是測(cè)量其中的能量。)
  • 3、Paige now believes that her children were craving dairy products. "It was confusing because for the first year I felt good, calm and content, and had plenty of energy.(Paige現(xiàn)在覺得她的孩子們對(duì)奶制品著迷,“我很疑惑,因?yàn)榈谝荒晡腋杏X很好,平靜而滿足,充滿活力。)
  • 4、The food is generally based on cereal and legume blends with edible oil added to increase theenergy content.(這些食物一般以谷類,豆類混和為基礎(chǔ),為了增加能量還會(huì)加入食用油。)
  • 5、Collection of digesta is the main factor influencing the representative of metabolizableenergy content of feedstuffs estimated with in vitro method.(食糜的采集是離體法測(cè)定代謝能值的方法中影響其代表性的主要因素。)
  • 6、More than half theenergy content of the fuel escapes from the power station's cooling tower as waste heat.(多于一半的燃料能量作為廢熱從電廠的冷卻塔逸出。)
  • 7、To provide greater accuracy in comparing fuels,energy content is measured in terms of "British Thermal Units (BTU's)."(為了提供更大的準(zhǔn)確性,比較燃料,能源含量是衡量計(jì)算,“個(gè)BTU的英國(guó)熱單位?!?
  • 8、Leah easily could have fallen into a trap of feeling content; instead, her energy sparked a period of experimentation and renewal.(莉婭本是很容易落入滿足的陷阱的;但相反地,她的活力激發(fā)了一個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)與更新的階段。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、It would be wise to read and compare the nutritional labels when purchasing prepackaged snacks, especially the energy, fat and sugar content, because some nutrition claims may be misleading.(購(gòu)買包裝好的零食時(shí),最好查看并比較一下營(yíng)養(yǎng)標(biāo)簽,尤其是熱量、脂肪和糖類的含量,因?yàn)橐恍I(yíng)養(yǎng)說明可能會(huì)誤導(dǎo)我們。)
  • 10、Fuel with higherenergy content is always better for gasification.(能量含量較高的是燃料氣化總是更好。)
  • 11、Smaller animals can therefore live where there is less food, provided that such food is of highenergy content.(因此,較小的動(dòng)物可以生活在食物較少的地方,只要這些食物的能量含量較高。)
  • 12、The enteral nutrient solution in the one chamber has a higherenergy content than the fluid for balancing the fluid requirement in the other chamber.(在該一個(gè)腔室中的腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)液比在另一個(gè)腔室中的用于流體平衡的流體具有更高的能量含量。)
  • 13、That makes them more "woody", increasing theirenergy content.(這使它們更像樹,能夠提高能量的容量。)
  • 14、The physical and chemical properties of producer gas such asenergy content, gas composition and impurities vary time to time.(生產(chǎn)者氣體的物理和化學(xué)的內(nèi)容,如能源,氣體的成分和雜質(zhì)的屬性變化時(shí)有發(fā)生。)
  • 15、energy content of fuel is obtained in most cases in an adiabatic, constant volume bomb calorimeter.(能源燃料的內(nèi)容是,在大多數(shù)情況下取得的絕熱,定容彈熱量。)
  • 16、Butanol fuel can be manufactured from corn and molasses, has a highenergy content and can be shipped through existing fuel pipelines.(丁醇可以由玉米和糖蜜制出,其擁有較高的能量并能用現(xiàn)有管道進(jìn)行輸送。)
  • 17、In daily life, the consumption of energy is more and more, but theenergy content is less.(日常生活中,消耗能源的地方越來越多,而能源的含量卻越來越少。)
  • 18、Theenergy content and their seasonal variations of Arachnida in arid environment were studied.(研究干旱地區(qū)蛛形綱動(dòng)物的含能值變動(dòng)規(guī)律。)
  • 19、'Algaes have moreenergy content than the equivalent diesel fuel,' he explained.(他解釋說:“硅藻生物燃油比普通柴油具有更高的能量密度?!?
  • 20、The negativeenergy content between you is very bad.(你們之間的那些負(fù)能量?jī)?nèi)容是非常不好的。)
  • 21、According to the new guidelines, the labels must contain the nutritional composition of the product and itsenergy content.(根據(jù)新的指南,標(biāo)簽必須包含產(chǎn)品的營(yíng)養(yǎng)成分和能量的含量。)
  • 22、The suitability of fatty acid ester as diesel fuel results from their molecular structure and highenergy content.(脂肪酸酯作為發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)燃料的可行性來自于其分子結(jié)構(gòu)和較高的能量密度。)
  • 23、The explosive potential (energy content per unit mass) of hydrogen is about twice that of the methane in natural gas.(氫的爆炸潛能(單位質(zhì)量含有的能量)大約是天然氣中甲烷的兩倍。)
  • 24、He heads an energy company that provides affordable heat to poor families, and is said to be content.(喬·肯尼迪現(xiàn)正經(jīng)營(yíng)一家能源公司,向窮人提供可負(fù)擔(dān)得起的熱能,而他對(duì)此生活很滿意。)
  • 25、It was thus able to break down long carbohydrate chains to form small, useable molecules while simultaneously removing the oxygen and maintaining theenergy content of the biofuel.(這樣就能夠打斷碳水化合物長(zhǎng)鏈來形成小而可用的分子,而同時(shí)將生物燃料中的氧移除并保持住其中的能量成分。)

energy content基本釋義

energy content

英 [?en?d?i ?k?ntent] 美 [??n?d?i ?kɑn?t?nt] 

