explain away造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:46:20


explain away造句

  • 1、He came to my house yesterday and managed toexplain away my doubts.(他昨天來(lái)我家進(jìn)行了解釋?zhuān)宋业膽岩伞?
  • 2、Don't try toexplain away the situation. Ifyou have made mistakes, just admit them.(不要再分辯了,有錯(cuò)誤就承認(rèn)吧。)
  • 3、I explain that when we push feelings away, they often come roaring back.(我解釋到,當(dāng)我們趕走這些情緒時(shí),它們往往來(lái)勢(shì)更猛。)
  • 4、He tried toexplain away his lateness, but we didn't accept his excuse.(他竭力為自己遲到辯解,但是,我們不相信他的托詞。) Hao86.com
  • 5、Can't Explain It... Coz Its a Symbol Saying: Stay Away From My Women!(就像是一個(gè)符號(hào):離我的女人遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)!)
  • 6、Many of my clients find ways toexplain away this feeling of being bored.(我的許多顧客會(huì)找法子來(lái)解釋那不是無(wú)聊的感覺(jué)。)
  • 7、How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.(我該如何解釋?zhuān)慨?dāng)我嘗試他總是背過(guò)臉去。)
  • 8、You will find it hard toexplain away your use of such offensive languages.(你使用這樣無(wú)禮的語(yǔ)言是很難說(shuō)的過(guò)去的。)
  • 9、To some degree, we may be able to literallyexplain away many devastating physical problems.(從某個(gè)程度來(lái)說(shuō),我們也許可以真正地將許多破壞性的身體問(wèn)題通過(guò)解釋給消除。)
  • 10、She ran away before I could explain to her.(我還沒(méi)來(lái)得及向她解釋她就跑了。)
  • 11、But he does not just admit oneself is, always tries toexplain away for oneself.(可是他偏偏卻不承認(rèn)自己是,總會(huì)為自己辯解。)
  • 12、He thought of a reason toexplain away his failure.(他想出一個(gè)理由為他的失敗辯解。)
  • 13、Do you explain stress away?(你會(huì)連續(xù)說(shuō)明壓力嗎?)
  • 14、He tried toexplain away the missing money.(他試圖為丟失錢(qián)而進(jìn)行辯解。)
  • 15、These two terms, it is not hard toexplain away the reasons for high prices.(這兩個(gè)詞,這不是很難解釋離開(kāi)的原因,高價(jià)格。)
  • 16、When anomalies appear, believers in the paradigm try to ignore them or explain them away.(當(dāng)異?,F(xiàn)象出現(xiàn)時(shí),相信范式的人們要么試圖忽略這些現(xiàn)象,要么通過(guò)解釋它們來(lái)使之顯得不異常。)
  • 17、I tay to explain to him, but he was angry to turn away.(我試圖向他解釋?zhuān)麉s生氣地轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)臉去。)
  • 18、You will find it difficult toexplain away your use of such offensive language.(你使用這樣無(wú)禮的語(yǔ)言是很難說(shuō)得過(guò)去的。)
  • 19、explain away late arrival by blaming it on traffic jam.(遲到的人喜歡把原因歸結(jié)為交通阻塞。)
  • 20、How can sheexplain away her error?(她是怎樣把錯(cuò)誤解釋過(guò)去的?)
  • 21、Thus, instead of getting it, they use the weakest excuses to explain the situation away.(因此,它不是讓他們使用最薄弱的借口來(lái)解釋當(dāng)前的狀況了。)
  • 22、A mistake is a mistake. Don't try to explain it away.(錯(cuò)了就錯(cuò)了,不要辯解。)
  • 23、The murder suspect couldn'texplain away his fingerprints at the scene.(這個(gè)殺人嫌疑犯解釋不清為什么在殺人現(xiàn)場(chǎng)會(huì)留有他的指紋。)
  • 24、These two terms, it is not hard toexplain away.(要把這解釋掉是不容易的。)

explain away基本釋義

explain away

英 [iks?plein ??wei] 美 [?k?splen ??we] 
為 ... 辯解; 通過(guò)解釋減少其重要性