
ever since造句

ever since造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:46:39


ever since造句

  • 1、ever since European first explored Australia, people have been trying to understand the ancient rock drawings and cavings created by the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of the continent.(自從歐洲人首次發(fā)現(xiàn)澳洲,人們就在嘗試了解由土著居民,即這片大陸的原始居民,創(chuàng)作的古代巖畫和雕刻品。)
  • 2、He's been in the doldrumsever since she left him.(自從她離開他以來,他一直很消沉。)
  • 3、ever since that, the Hatter went on in a mournful tone, "He won't do a thing I ask!"(從那以后,帽商繼續(xù)用悲傷的聲調(diào)說:“我要他做的事他都不肯做!”)
  • 4、I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted itever since.(當(dāng)時(shí)我輕易向他屈服了,到現(xiàn)在我一直后悔。)
  • 5、I been creeping all over,ever since I got here.(我一到這兒,就渾身上下起雞皮疙瘩。)
  • 6、ever since people had begun to catalog the strata in particular outcrops, there had been the hope that these could somehow be used to calculate geological time.("從人們開始對地表的特殊巖層進(jìn)行編目和分類時(shí)起,大家就開始期望能夠以某種方式利用這些巖層來計(jì)算地質(zhì)年代。)
  • 7、"Oh, I've heard itever since I remember," he answered crossly.(“哦,從我記事起,我就聽到這種說法。”他生氣地回答。)
  • 8、They worked together in the 1960s, and have kept in contactever since.(他們在20世紀(jì)60年代曾一起工作,自那時(shí)起就一直保持著聯(lián)系。)
  • 9、She sat on that aluminum throneever since.(自那以后,她就一直坐在那個鋁制的寶座上。)
  • 10、He's borne a grudge against meever since that day.(從那一天起他便對我懷恨在心。)
  • 11、I've been dietingever since the birth of my fourth child.(自從我第4個孩子出生以后,我就一直在節(jié)食。)
  • 12、I've had the hots for himever since he arrived.(自從他來到后,我就迷戀上他了。)
  • 13、ever since then psychologists have continued building on the theory.(從那時(shí)起,心理學(xué)家們就在這個理論的基礎(chǔ)上繼續(xù)研究。)
  • 14、I've known himever since he was a fledgling.(我從他羽翼未豐時(shí)就認(rèn)識他了。)
  • 15、ever since they started working on it, it's been so noisy we can barely hear ourselves sing.(自從他們開工以后,他們的聲響太吵了,搞得我們聽不到自己唱歌的聲音了。) hao86.com
  • 16、He's been thereever since you left!(自從你離開,他一直都在那兒!)
  • 17、Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the faceever since Lullington.(之后我突然想到了這個答案。自路林頓起這答案就一直明擺在我面前。)
  • 18、Well,ever since Sandra left the department, I feel like I've been targeted to do all her work as well as mine.(自從桑德拉離開了這個部門,我覺得除了我自身的工作外,我還承擔(dān)了她的工作量。)
  • 19、ever since humanity began to farm our own food, we've faced the unpredictable rain that is both friend and enemy.(自從人類開始耕種我們自己的食物,我們就面對不可預(yù)測的雨,它既是朋友也是敵人。)
  • 20、After going without air for several minutes, Herbert was unconscious for two and a half months and has undergone therapyever since.(缺氧幾分鐘后,赫伯特昏迷了兩個半月,并且從那之后一直在治療之中。)
  • 21、Bar a plateau in 1989, there has been a rise in inflationever since the mid-1980s.(自20世紀(jì)80年代中期以來,除了1989年穩(wěn)定之外,通貨膨脹一直在增長。)
  • 22、She had been worryingever since the letter arrived.(自從接到那封信后她就一直焦慮不安。)
  • 23、ever since I watched the movie filmed in Rome, I was longing to travel to Rome.(自從我看了那個在羅馬拍的電影之后,我就一直渴望去羅馬旅游。)
  • 24、He's had a carever since he was 18.(他從18歲起就有汽車了。)
  • 25、I met him when I traveled in Madrid, and I've kept in touch with himever since.(我是在馬德里旅游時(shí)認(rèn)識他的,從那以后,我和他一直保持著聯(lián)系。)
  • 26、In an Irish story, a young gentleman, Becan, marries a princess and lives happilyever since.(在一個愛爾蘭故事中,一位名叫Becan的年輕紳士娶了一位公主,從此過上了幸福的生活。)
  • 27、I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of themever since.(我曾被狗咬過,自那以后就一直害怕狗。)
  • 28、ever since the 1940s, vaccine makers have grown large batches of virus inside chicken eggs.(自20世紀(jì)40年代以來,疫苗制造商已經(jīng)在雞蛋中培養(yǎng)了大量的病毒。)
  • 29、ever since I removed those collages, I realized that I actually prefer to see clean, uncluttered walls.(自從我拿掉那些拼貼畫后,我才發(fā)現(xiàn)自己實(shí)際上更喜歡看到干凈、整潔的墻壁。)

ever since基本釋義

ever since

英 [?ev? sins] 美 [??v? s?ns] 
從那時(shí)起; 自那時(shí)以來