
exchange student造句

exchange student造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:46:31


exchange student造句

  • 1、Susan, anexchange student from England, accepted my invitation to have dinner with my family.(蘇珊是一名來(lái)自英國(guó)的交換生,她接受了我的邀請(qǐng)來(lái)和我的家人共進(jìn)晚餐。)
  • 2、Imagine how impressed your friends when you're the only one who can speak to the new foreignexchange student or visitor in town.(想象一下如果你是本城唯一可以和外國(guó)交流學(xué)生或是參觀者用英語(yǔ)交流的人,你的朋友該對(duì)你有多刮目相看啊。)
  • 3、Barack Obama Sr. was the first Africanexchange student at the University of Hawaii.(在夏威夷大學(xué),巴拉克老奧巴馬是非洲的第一批交換留學(xué)生。)
  • 4、During her junior year in college she was anexchange student in Kyoto, Japan, where she learned how to make Japanese food from her home-stay family.(大學(xué)三年級(jí)時(shí),鐘玲作為交換生來(lái)到了日本的京都,在寄宿家,她學(xué)會(huì)了烹飪?nèi)毡静恕?
  • 5、Are you anexchange student? If yes, from which country?(你是否交流生?(如果是的話,來(lái)自那個(gè)國(guó)家?))
  • 6、To provide anexchange student know each other!(提供一個(gè)互相交流互相了解的平臺(tái)!)
  • 7、Forrest and his wife Shirley welcomed Hannah Wang into their home for six months starting in January 2007. She was the second Chineseexchange student they hosted.(2007年1月,漢娜王做為交流學(xué)生在弗瑞斯特和妻子雪莉的家生活了六個(gè)月,她是弗瑞斯家接待的第二個(gè)中國(guó)交流學(xué)生。)
  • 8、Then I also heard that she's anexchange student from Russia.(我還聽(tīng)說(shuō)她是從俄羅斯來(lái)的交換生。)
  • 9、It is not often that you get such an opportunity to be anexchange student.(你得到成為交換生這樣的機(jī)會(huì),可不是常有的事。)
  • 10、Welcome to apply to studyat Southeast University as anexchange student!(歡迎申請(qǐng)東南大學(xué)交流生項(xiàng)目!)
  • 11、He is anexchange student.(他是一名交換生。)
  • 12、First, she marries herexchange student "father" after he divorces his wife.(首先,鄧文迪嫁給她父輩級(jí)的交換生杰克·切里,在他離婚以后。)
  • 13、He recently hosted a foreignexchange student from Argentina.(他最近招待了一名來(lái)自阿根廷的外籍互換生。)
  • 14、We had a Germanyexchange student this summer and we made a trip to the zoo because she requested to see the panda as well.(我們今年夏天接待了一個(gè)來(lái)自德國(guó)的交換生,我們又去了動(dòng)物園,因?yàn)樗惨葱茇垺?
  • 15、Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as anexchange student, majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali.(5年后,他以交換生身份前往德國(guó)哥廷根大學(xué)深造,主修梵文和極為生僻的巴利語(yǔ)等古代語(yǔ)言。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 16、One of my friends said 'Wow, that bird has better grammar than theexchange student!'(有個(gè)朋友說(shuō):哇,這只鳥(niǎo)的德語(yǔ)比留學(xué)生的語(yǔ)法還準(zhǔn)確耶!)
  • 17、If you are traveling on a temporary orexchange student visa, you may be able to arrange for health insurance through your employer or institution.(如果你持臨時(shí)或交換學(xué)生簽證旅行,你也許能夠通過(guò)你的雇主或機(jī)構(gòu)安排健康保險(xiǎn)。)

exchange student基本釋義

exchange student

英 [iks?t?eind? ?stju:d?nt] 美 [?ks?t?end? ?studnt] 

