stop off造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:27


stop off造句

  • 1、Theystop off at a cigarette machine, then go to a cheap basement restaurant for spaghetti.(他們?cè)谝粋€(gè)販煙機(jī)旁停住,下到一個(gè)地下餐廳吃意大利面。)
  • 2、We canstop off half way to have our lunch.(我們可以在半路上停車吃午飯。)
  • 3、I'm in the employ of the Department and I was attending a convention in San Antonio in July of 1957, so my boss asked me tostop off at MacGregor's place and see what I could do.(我在農(nóng)業(yè)部工作,1957年7月我到圣安東尼奧開會(huì),上司讓我中途在麥格雷戈的農(nóng)場(chǎng)停一下,看看我能幫點(diǎn)什么忙。)
  • 4、I'llstop off for a few days in Paris to visit my Cousins.(我們將在巴黎停幾天去拜訪我的堂兄弟。)
  • 5、So take a step back, switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop and reflect about things like our priorities, our values, and our relationships.(所以退一步,關(guān)掉自動(dòng)駕駛,停下來思考一下我們的優(yōu)先事項(xiàng)、價(jià)值觀以及人際關(guān)系。)
  • 6、We'd crossed the English Channel at night, and we set off through France, and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little cafe.(我們?cè)谝归g穿過了英吉利海峽,然后從法國(guó)出發(fā)。到了早餐時(shí)間,長(zhǎng)途汽車司機(jī)安排我們?cè)谶@個(gè)小咖啡館停了下來。)
  • 7、Is this a continuous flight, or do westop off anywhere?(我們是不著陸的連續(xù)飛行呢,還是要在中途的什么地方停一停?)
  • 8、'Some familiesstop off here on a journey which eventually takes them to the country. Others stay to enjoy the strong community spirit.'(一些家人們會(huì)在這兒中途停下來享受最終會(huì)讓他們定居于此的旅行。其他人留下來享受強(qiáng)大的社區(qū)氛圍。)
  • 9、I took out when the pistols went off, and I didn't stop for three mile.(槍聲一響,我就跑了出去,我跑了三英里也沒有停下來。)
  • 10、Let's juststop off and grab a bite to eat at that hamburger joint near the theater.(我們就到電影院附近那個(gè)賣漢堡包的地方先墊點(diǎn)兒吧。)
  • 11、She said the snake first slid back under the seat, and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the highway and stop.(她說蛇先是滑回座位下面,她希望在能夠離開高速公路并停下來之前,蛇會(huì)一直呆在那里。)
  • 12、I need tostop off somewhere first.(我要先去一個(gè)地方。)
  • 13、I'llstop off at Los Angeles.(我將順道停留洛杉磯。)
  • 14、We'll never be able to stop beach erosion, we can only stave it off.(我們永遠(yuǎn)都不能阻止海灘被侵蝕,我們只能暫緩其發(fā)生。)
  • 15、stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone .(今晚在回家的路上,要駐足仔細(xì)品味一下冰淇淋蛋卷。)
  • 16、Clean classroom does not destroy the natural environment. We shouldstop off branches, no littering and other bad behaviors.(教室必須及時(shí)打掃與清理,不破壞自然環(huán)境,制止折樹枝、亂扔垃圾等行為。)
  • 17、Let'sstop off at a drugstore for a hamburger.(我們現(xiàn)在漢堡店旁邊的雜貨店停一下。)
  • 18、He's offered tostop off in Rome and Siena first.(他曾主動(dòng)表示可以先在羅馬或錫耶納停留一下。)
  • 19、Where did westop off last time?(上一次我們學(xué)到什么地方了?)
  • 20、He should just get an honest job and stop sponging off the rest of us!(他就應(yīng)該找一份踏實(shí)的工作,不要再揩我們其他人的油了!)
  • 21、I get off at the next stop.(我在下一站下車。)
  • 22、He called on the leaders of Somali society to persuade pirates operating off the coast of the Horn of Africa to stop hijacking ships for ransom.(他呼吁索馬里社會(huì)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人規(guī)勸在非洲之角沿海地區(qū)活動(dòng)的海盜停止為贖金劫持船只。)
  • 23、Jack has tostop off school for his illness.(因?yàn)樯?,杰克不得不休學(xué)了。)
  • 24、Around 20, 000 pink-footed geesestop off at the nature reserve each year, some to 'refuel' and some stay, as they migrate to the south for the winter from Iceland. (REUTERS/David Moir)(每年大約有20000只粉足雁在自然保護(hù)區(qū)停留,一些在這里“加油”,另一些則留了下來;它們從冰島遷移到南方過冬。)
  • 25、At the next stop the man got off too and introduced himself.(在下一站那個(gè)男人也下了,并介紹了他自己。)
  • 26、We walked to both the Rialto Bridge and then on to St Marks in about 20 minutes, that is if you don'tstop off on the way.(我們走路去里亞托橋和圣馬可廣場(chǎng)才用了20幾分鐘,你要在路上不能停下來休息。)
  • 27、"Here he comes, and he wound up in my back seat before I could finally get off the road, stop and get out of the car." She called for help.(“他上了我的車,我還沒來得及停車走人,他就在我的后座上蠕動(dòng)了?!庇谑沁@位女士選擇報(bào)警處理。)
  • 28、My firststop off the bus was for lunch at Traxx, an Art Deco restaurant right inside Union Station that is credited with reviving the downtown food scene.(我下巴士后第一站就是去Traxx餐廳吃午餐。這家藝術(shù)裝飾的餐廳就在聯(lián)合火車站里面,以復(fù)興了市中心的現(xiàn)做食物而著稱。)

stop off基本釋義

stop off

英 [st?p ?f] 美 [stɑp ?f] 
