
Stop thief造句

Stop thief造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:27


Stop thief造句

  • 1、Do you think she will try to stop a thief if she sees him stealing a purse from a person on a bus?(如果她看到有小偷在車上偷錢包,你認(rèn)為她會去制止他嗎??)
  • 2、As a policeman, I have the responsibility toStop thief.(作為一名警察,我有責(zé)任捉住小偷。)
  • 3、Do you think you will try to stop a thief if you see him stealing a purse from a person on a bus?(當(dāng)你看到有小偷在車上偷錢包時(shí),你認(rèn)為你會去制止他嗎?)
  • 4、Do you think you will try to stop a thief if see him stealing a purse from a person on a bus?(如果你看到小偷在車上偷錢包,你認(rèn)為你會去制止他們嗎?)
  • 5、How did he try to stop the thief?(他是如何試圖來攔住竊賊的?)
  • 6、Stop thief, " cried Smith as he ran."(“抓小偷,”史密斯邊跑邊喊。)
  • 7、They always take habitual tactics of standing facts on their heads and of a thief crying "Stop thief".(他們經(jīng)常使用顛倒是非、賊喊捉賊的伎倆。)
  • 8、"Stop thief," cried Smith as he ran. Others joined him, and so on there was a hue and cry.(“抓小偷,”史密斯邊跑邊喊。其他人同他一起追喊著。)
  • 9、Much like a cheap suitcase lock, DES will keep the contents safe from honest people, but it won't stop a determined thief.(就像一個(gè)廉價(jià)的行李箱鎖,DES將從誠實(shí)的人保持安全的內(nèi)容,但這不會阻止小偷決定的。)
  • 10、There was a woman in shop shouted: "Stop thief!"(商店里一個(gè)女人高喊:“捉賊啊!”)
  • 11、If you witness a thieving scene on the street, what are you going to do? Are you going to stop the thief ?(如果在大街上你看見有人偷錢包,你會想辦法阻止事情的發(fā)生嗎?)
  • 12、Then he chased the thief, frightening him at the same time, "Stop or I will let off the gun!"(然后他追趕盜賊,一邊還嚇唬他:“停??!不然我開槍了!”!) hAo86.com
  • 13、Do you think he will try to stop a thief if he sees him stealing a purse from a person on a bus?(如果他看到有小偷在車上偷錢包,你認(rèn)為他會去制止他嗎?)
  • 14、With a cry of 'Stop thief!' he ran after the boy.(他一邊喊“抓賊??!”一邊追趕那男孩。)
  • 15、If you see a thief, you should run fast and stop him.(如果你看見小偷,你應(yīng)該快速跑上去并阻止他。)
  • 16、Aunt to shield the wallet while loudly shout: "Stop thief!"(阿姨一邊護(hù)著錢包一邊大聲地喊著:“抓賊呀!”)
  • 17、Hi thief! Would you stop that music for me?(喂,小偷兄,你能替我把音樂關(guān)掉嗎?)
  • 18、Policeman: OK, stop right there you thief!(警察:站住,你這賊!)
  • 19、He that first cries outStop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure.(最選喊抓賊的人,常常是偷了財(cái)寶的人。)
  • 20、With the right device tuned to the right frequency, what's to stop a thief from jamming your setup and blocking that alert signal from ever reaching the base station?(通過將正確的設(shè)備調(diào)整到正確的頻率,如何防止小偷干擾你的設(shè)置并阻止警報(bào)信號使其不曾到達(dá)基站?)
  • 21、Stop, thief! Stop that man!(“抓、抓賊!抓住那個(gè)男人!””)
  • 22、Stop the thief!(抓小偷!)

Stop thief基本釋義
