
space agency造句

space agency造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:14:21


space agency造句

  • 1、Thespace agency says a problem has developed with an experiment aboard the space shuttle.(航天局說在航天飛機上做的一項實驗出了問題。)
  • 2、The satellites, built by the Europeanspace agency (ESA), will look at interaction between the sun and the Earth.(這兩枚歐洲宇航局建造的衛(wèi)星將探測太陽和地球之間如何進(jìn)行相互作用。)
  • 3、The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the Europeanspace agency.(哈勃太空望遠(yuǎn)鏡是NASA以及歐洲空間局之間的國際合作項目。)
  • 4、Thespace agency would no longer operate its own spacecraft, but essentially buy tickets for its astronauts.(這間航太機構(gòu)將不再運行自己的航天器,而本質(zhì)上是為它的宇航員們買票。)
  • 5、Images courtesy of the Europeanspace agency. Caption by Patrick Lynch and Mike Carlowicz.(圖片由歐洲空間組織提供,帕特里克·林奇和邁克·卡洛·維奇配以介紹。)
  • 6、On Friday, the Europeanspace agency released before-and-after satellite photographs of the Aral Sea in 2006 and 2009.(星期五,歐洲航天局公布了2006年至2009年前后有關(guān)咸海的衛(wèi)星照片。)
  • 7、The project would be part of the Aurora programme of the Europeanspace agency.(這項工程將成為歐洲航天局的“曙光工程(Aurora)”的一部分。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 8、China has now become the thirdspace agency to visit this area.(中國現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)成為第三個訪問這個地區(qū)的航天局。)
  • 9、NASA, the Europeanspace agency and the Italianspace agency are cooperating on the project.(這個項目是由NASA、歐洲航天局、意大利航天局合作進(jìn)行的。)
  • 10、The most recent of these, Venus Express, was launched by the Europeanspace agency in 2005.(執(zhí)行最近一次探訪的金星快車號飛船是由歐洲航天局在2005年發(fā)射升空的。)
  • 11、Thespace agency recently awarded a team of scientists $3 million to develop the idea.(這個空間管理機構(gòu)最近撥款給一個科研小組三百萬美元,以完善這個構(gòu)想。)
  • 12、And the Europeanspace agency planed the trial.(歐洲太空總署策劃了該實驗。)

space agency基本釋義
