
space shuttle造句

space shuttle造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:14:21


space shuttle造句

  • 1、Thespace shuttle won't lift off the launch pad until Sunday at the earliest.(這架航天飛機最早要到星期天才會發(fā)射升空。)
  • 2、The space agency says a problem has developed with an experiment aboard thespace shuttle.(航天局說在航天飛機上做的一項實驗出了問題。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 3、Thespace shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38.(這架航天飛機計劃于04:38發(fā)射升空。)
  • 4、Thespace shuttle undertook a top-secret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control.(航天飛機執(zhí)行了一項絕密使命,其軍用裝備由五角大樓控制。)
  • 5、I mean, just taking thespace shuttle up and back one time is hugely expensive.(我的意思是,僅僅是發(fā)射航天飛機一次再飛回的成本就已經(jīng)是天價了。)
  • 6、This morning's launch of thespace shuttle Columbia has been delayed.(定于今天上午哥倫比亞號航天飛機的發(fā)射已經(jīng)被推遲了。)
  • 7、Thespace shuttle touched down yesterday.(這架航天飛機昨日著陸。)
  • 8、Thespace shuttle Atlantis returned safely to Earth today.(亞特蘭蒂斯號航天飛機今天安全返回地球。)
  • 9、This is Mission Control calling thespace shuttle Discovery.(這是地面指揮中心呼叫航天飛機“發(fā)現(xiàn)號”。)
  • 10、Thespace shuttle has reentered the Earth's atmosphere.(航天飛機現(xiàn)已重返地球大氣層。)
  • 11、There is a model of thespace shuttle on the desk.(桌上放著一只航天飛機的模型。)
  • 12、As for thespace shuttle main engines, those are now free.(航天飛機的主發(fā)動機現(xiàn)在是免費的。)
  • 13、Discoveryspace shuttle blasts off for last time.(發(fā)現(xiàn)號航天飛機最后一次升空。)
  • 14、The mission for the crew of thespace shuttle is essentially over.(航天飛機全體機務(wù)人員的使命基本完成。)
  • 15、Thespace shuttle had stopped transmitting data, a very serious anomaly for the mission.(這架航天飛機已經(jīng)停止了傳輸數(shù)據(jù),這是這次任務(wù)中一個十分嚴(yán)重的反常現(xiàn)象。)
  • 16、A BMW has more software than thespace shuttle.(比起航天飛機,一輛寶馬車所需的軟件要更多。)
  • 17、The technologically compromisedspace shuttle program has just come to an end, with no successor.(受技術(shù)影響的航天飛機計劃剛剛結(jié)束,沒有后續(xù)計劃。)
  • 18、Thespace shuttle Discovery made a rare night landing at the Kennedy Space Centre early on Thursday,.(周四凌晨,發(fā)現(xiàn)號航天飛機在肯尼迪航天中心進行了罕見的夜間著陸。)
  • 19、The countdown has begun for the launch of thespace shuttle.(航天飛機發(fā)射前的倒計時已經(jīng)開始。)
  • 20、Who needs aspace shuttle?(誰會需要一架航天飛機呢?)
  • 21、Thespace shuttle, the world's first true spaceship, is a magnificent step in making the impossible possible for the benefit and survival of man.(這架航天飛機是世界上第一艘真正的宇宙飛船,它是為了人類的利益和生存而把不可能變?yōu)榭赡艿膫ゴ笠徊健?
  • 22、Thespace shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.(亞特蘭蒂斯號航天飛機計劃與俄羅斯的米爾號空間站對接。)
  • 23、Thespace shuttle returned safely today from a 10-day mission.(航天飛機在為期10天的任務(wù)之后于今日平安返回。)
  • 24、Thespace shuttle is taking off tomorrow.(這架航天飛機將于明天起飛。)
  • 25、For instance, three keywords, "Beijing," "space shuttle," and "iguana," are used.(例如,使用3個關(guān)鍵字“Beijing”、“spaceshuttle”和“iguana”。)
  • 26、In early space programs, such as the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s, and in thespace shuttle missions today, scientists developed objects for the astronauts to use on the moon and in space.(在早期的太空計劃中,如20世紀(jì)60年代和70年代的阿波羅計劃,以及今天的航天飛機計劃中,科學(xué)家們研發(fā)了供宇航員在月球和太空中使用的物品。)

space shuttle基本釋義

space shuttle

英 [speis ???tl] 美 [spes ???tl] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):space shuttles
