
track down造句

track down造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:49


track down造句

  • 1、Now let'strack down the latest version of raidtools.(現(xiàn)在我們來搜索最新版的raidtools。)
  • 2、You don't need to waste time trying totrack down video drivers or SCSI drivers.(您不必將時(shí)間浪費(fèi)在嘗試尋找顯卡驅(qū)動(dòng)程序或SCSI驅(qū)動(dòng)程序上。) Hao86.com
  • 3、Using KDB, you will be able totrack down the system crash problems quickly.(通過kdb,您將能夠迅速跟蹤導(dǎo)致系統(tǒng)崩潰問題。)
  • 4、track down a geocache and then leave my mark.(跟蹤一個(gè)geocache并留下自己的標(biāo)識(shí)。)
  • 5、The human body's immune system can quicklytrack down and kill cells that don't belong.(人體免疫系統(tǒng)可以迅速捕獲并殺死不應(yīng)存在的細(xì)胞。)
  • 6、"They patrol with vehicles carrying German-made radio detectors totrack down and hunt users," he said.(他們開著車,帶著德國制造的無線電探測器來跟蹤并搜尋手機(jī)用戶。)
  • 7、Nowtrack down the most recent "raidtools-0.90" archive (not raid0145!)(查找最新的“raidtools-0.90”檔案文件(不是raid0145!))
  • 8、A friend had totrack down more ground beef, but even that was not enough.(她的一個(gè)朋友不得不去購買更多的牛肉餅,但那也不夠。)
  • 9、Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to helptrack down stolen vehicles.(汽車生產(chǎn)商們?cè)谛萝囓嚿淼膸讉€(gè)地方打上車輛識(shí)別碼以幫助追查被盜車輛。)
  • 10、She had spent years trying totrack down her parents.(她已經(jīng)花了多年試圖找到她的父母。)
  • 11、Some are users of illegal file-sharing networks who want to be harder totrack down.(一些是非法文件共享網(wǎng)絡(luò)用戶-他們想要的就是監(jiān)管者難以追查出其網(wǎng)上活動(dòng)。)
  • 12、These are easy enough totrack down.(這些很容易追蹤。)
  • 13、Not only can this be a painful experience, but it makes it rather difficult totrack down the source.(這不僅僅是一個(gè)痛苦的經(jīng)歷,這還讓醫(yī)生難以確定疼痛的原因。)
  • 14、"These things are notoriously hard totrack down," he said.(“這種不名譽(yù)的事很難追蹤。”他表示。)
  • 15、If there are major outliers, the team willtrack down more information to verify the original source.(當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)較大的異常時(shí),他們會(huì)追溯更多的信息來驗(yàn)證原始數(shù)據(jù)源。)
  • 16、He decided to try andtrack down his biological parents. "it."(他決定去找回他的親生父母。)
  • 17、track down and review customer focus group reports.(l記錄并評(píng)論以客戶為中心的報(bào)告。)
  • 18、On Wednesday Jagdeo asked the Guyana police totrack down the impersonator.(周三,賈格·迪奧要求圭亞那警方追查該冒名頂替者。)
  • 19、In Amsterdam, officials are using Airbnb listings totrack down unlicensed hotels.(在阿姆斯特丹,官員們正在使用Airbnb名單來追蹤無執(zhí)照的酒店。)
  • 20、Legal observers worked their cell phones, trying totrack down those arrested.(法律觀察員撥通被逮捕者的手機(jī),幾百人都說他們?cè)诒凰屯煌木燧爡^(qū)。)
  • 21、You may need totrack down drivers for some hardware.(您可能需要跟蹤一些硬件的驅(qū)動(dòng)程序。)
  • 22、Use CitySearch totrack down cheap food and activities(用Citysearch搜索廉價(jià)食物和活動(dòng)。)
  • 23、The police have so far failed totrack down the attacker.(警方至今未能追捕到攻擊者。)
  • 24、This allowed us to find changes easily, and if needed totrack down any performance issues.(這使得我們可以簡便地查找更改,并且如有需要,可以找到任何性能問題。)
  • 25、Police said they had yet totrack down the maker of the fake barcodes.(警方說他們還沒有查出假條形碼的制造者。)
  • 26、I always tried totrack down different restaurants to eat Chinese food when I was abroad.(當(dāng)我在國外時(shí)總是找些不同的餐廳品嘗中國菜。)
  • 27、These facts make a code failure due to double-checked locking very difficult totrack down.(這些事實(shí)將導(dǎo)致代碼失敗,原因是雙重檢查鎖定難于跟蹤。)

track down基本釋義

track down

英 [tr?k daun] 美 [tr?k da?n] 
跟蹤追捕; 追查