
three quarters造句

three quarters造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:46


three quarters造句

  • 1、France's 58 plants, by contrast, producethree quarters of the country's electricity.(反觀法國(guó),58座核電站足足提供了全國(guó)四分之三的電力。)
  • 2、three quarters of it is made of water.(它的四分之三是水。)
  • 3、The theatre was aboutthree quarters full.(劇場(chǎng)大約坐了四分之三的人。)
  • 4、This was his first marriage forthree quarters of a century.(這是他四分之三個(gè)世紀(jì)來的第一次婚姻。)
  • 5、Nearly three-quarters of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision.(在一項(xiàng)民意測(cè)驗(yàn)中,被調(diào)查到的近四分之三的人同意政府的決策。) hao86.com
  • 6、I think we've coveredthree quarters of the distance now.(我以為我們現(xiàn)在已走了全程的四分之三。)
  • 7、We were left with an open bottle of champagne three-quarters full.(有人留給我們一瓶打開過的、還剩3/4的香檳酒。)
  • 8、Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.(現(xiàn)在,有四分之三的學(xué)齡兒童的母親都在工作,但日程表寫得好像她們是在家里等校車一樣無所事事。)
  • 9、three quarters of Britain is covered with fields, towns or cities.(英國(guó)四分之三的地方是農(nóng)田、城鎮(zhèn)或城市。)
  • 10、Almostthree quarters of the Earth is water.(地球表面約四分之三是水。)
  • 11、three quarters of all newborn deaths occur in the first week of life.(所有新生兒死亡中有四分之三發(fā)生在生命第一周。)
  • 12、Nearly three-quarters of the first group guessed that Mr.Williams worked at a managerial level, while only 38.5 percent of the second group thought so.(第一組中有近四分之三的人認(rèn)為威廉姆斯先生從事管理層工作,而第二組中僅有38.5%的人這樣認(rèn)為。)
  • 13、Three-quarters of Russians live in cities.(四分之三的俄羅斯人住在城市里。)
  • 14、We surveyed 500 smokers and found that overthree quarters would like to give up.(我們對(duì)500名吸煙者進(jìn)行了調(diào)查,發(fā)現(xiàn)有超過四分之三的人愿意戒煙。)
  • 15、What is known is that dark energy constitutes aboutthree quarters of the Universe.(我們唯一知道的是宇宙的四分之三由暗能量所組成。)
  • 16、In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development looked at data from nearlythree quarters of the world's countries.(2014年,經(jīng)濟(jì)合作與發(fā)展組織研究了世界上近四分之三的國(guó)家的數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 17、Currently these provide nearlythree quarters of overall financing.(目前,這些來源提供了資金總額的將近四分之三。)
  • 18、Demographers reckon thatthree quarters of humanity could be city dwelling by 2050, with most of the increase coming in the fast growing towns of Asia and Africa.(人口學(xué)家估計(jì),到2050年,將有四分之三的人類居住在城市,其中大部分將來自亞洲和非洲快速發(fā)展的城鎮(zhèn)。)
  • 19、Applications have increased by three-quarters.(求職信增加了3/4。)
  • 20、According to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, aboutthree quarters of energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplish no useful work.(根據(jù)戰(zhàn)略與國(guó)際研究中心的數(shù)據(jù),我們用于移動(dòng)包括我們自己的物體的能量中,約有四分之三沒有完成任何有用的工作。)
  • 21、The oceans that coverthree quarters of the Earth's surface can be thought of as our great water reservoirs.(占地球表面四分之三的海洋可以被看作是我們巨大的蓄水池。)
  • 22、Aboutthree quarters of all child deaths occur in Africa and South-East Asia.(所有兒童死亡中約四分之三發(fā)生在非洲和東南亞。)
  • 23、Hardly a word was said during the next three-quarters of an hour.(在隨后的四十五分鐘里,幾乎一句話也沒有說。)
  • 24、That is,three quarters of these stars are digital natives.(也就是說,四分之三的作家都是直接從網(wǎng)上出的名。)
  • 25、You'll automatically be on the right heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains make upthree quarters of the food on your dinner plate.(如果你的餐盤里有四分之三的食物都是蔬菜、水果和全谷類食品,那么你就自動(dòng)走上了有益心臟健康的軌道。)
  • 26、After some three-quarters of an hour, the door opened, and the Badger reappeared, solemnly leading by the paw of a very limp and dejected Toad.(過了三刻鐘,門開了,獾又出現(xiàn)了,莊嚴(yán)地牽著一個(gè)軟弱無力,沒精打采的蟾蜍的爪子。)
  • 27、Nearlythree quarters of daily users are professionals.(近四分之三的日常用戶是職業(yè)人士。)
  • 28、After months of haggling, they recovered only three-quarters of what they had lent.(經(jīng)過數(shù)月的討價(jià)還價(jià),他們僅收回了借出的3/4。)

three quarters基本釋義
