
take a trip造句

take a trip造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:14:34


take a trip造句

  • 1、Many people like to visit Disneyland when theytake a trip to L. a.(許多人都洛杉磯旅行時,喜歡去參觀迪斯耐樂園。)
  • 2、Shall wetake a trip to the Disney World?(我們去迪斯尼樂園好不好?。)
  • 3、Sandra has decided totake a trip around the world next month.(桑德拉已決定下個月做環(huán)球旅行。)
  • 4、take a trip or just spend some quality time with your mate.(可考慮去旅行或是多陪陪伴侶。)
  • 5、Will youtake a trip soon?(你很快就要去旅行嗎?)
  • 6、One day we'lltake a trip to China.(總有一天我們會到中國旅行。)
  • 7、I want totake a trip to Europe.(我想去歐洲旅行。)
  • 8、If youtake a trip to France, you should go to Paris.(如果你去法國旅游,你得去巴黎。)
  • 9、Let'stake a trip!(哦!我們去旅行吧!)
  • 10、If I have enough money, I'm going totake a trip abroad.(如果我有足夠的錢,我準備去國外旅行一次。)
  • 11、Let'stake a trip down to Spain via some stunning photographs.(讓我們通過一些美圖去暢游西班牙吧。)
  • 12、My family has agreed totake a trip during the holiday.(我們家一致同意假期外出旅游。)
  • 13、So do I. Let'stake a trip to the West Hill this Saturday.(醫(yī)生:我也是。我們可以去西山這個星期六。) haO86.com
  • 14、It's interesting totake a trip on the river.(在河上旅行很有趣。)
  • 15、I need totake a trip like that. You even seem to have a tan.(我也需要進行這樣一次旅行。你連皮膚都曬成古銅色了。)
  • 16、Many people like totake a trip in Korea.(很多人喜歡到韓國旅游。)
  • 17、In the future, you will probably even be able totake a trip to the moon.(在未來,你甚至有可能去月球旅行。)
  • 18、If I can afford it, I'll certainlytake a trip abroad.(如果有錢的話我肯定會去國外旅游的。)
  • 19、The doctor advised me totake a trip somewhere.(醫(yī)生建議我去某個地方旅游。)
  • 20、But I will alsotake a trip to Shanghai.(但我還要去上海一趟。)
  • 21、Would you like totake a trip inside yourself?(你想要跟著你的內心進行一趟旅行嗎?)
  • 22、When did they frequentlytake a trip?(他們常在什么時候旅行?)
  • 23、Would youtake a trip?(你會花錢去旅游嗎?)
  • 24、take a trip down memory lane by recreating your first date.(通過再現你們的第一次約會來喚起曾經美好的回憶。)
  • 25、Don't forget totake a trip down the Grand Canal.(別忘了在大運河上游覽一番。)
  • 26、Butwe also wanted totake a trip together.(但我們也想一起出游。)
  • 27、I'd like totake a trip to Florida for my spring break.(我想去佛羅里達度春假。)

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