take a walk造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:34


take a walk造句

  • 1、Next time youtake a walk, no matter where it is, take in all the sights, sounds and sensations.(下次你散步時(shí),無(wú)論在哪兒,你去欣賞周圍的景色,聆聽(tīng)四周的聲音,去感受整個(gè)世界。)
  • 2、A: Would you like totake a walk?(A:去散散步怎么樣?)
  • 3、"Yes," said he, "and now let ustake a walk a little way out of the town."(“是的,”他說(shuō),“現(xiàn)在讓我們沿小路散步到城外吧?!?
  • 4、After breakfast they decided totake a walk.(早飯過(guò)后,他們想出去散散步。)
  • 5、Give yourself 10-20 minutes or longer totake a walk.(步行10-20分鐘或更長(zhǎng)。)
  • 6、I decide totake a walk outside.(我覺(jué)得憋氣。我決定去外面散散步。)
  • 7、Itake a walk every day.(我每天都要散步。)
  • 8、Go outside at least once a day, and if possible,take a walk.(至少一天到戶外一次,如果可能的話,散個(gè)步。)
  • 9、Go out to a movie ortake a walk on the beach.(看場(chǎng)電影或者到沙灘上散散步。)
  • 10、Let ustake a walk.(我們?nèi)ド⑸⒉桨伞? [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、take a walk with your dog.(帶著狗去散步。)
  • 12、Go outside andtake a walk. Maybe do some push-ups.(出去散散步,或者做幾個(gè)俯臥撐。)
  • 13、You maytake a walk.(你可以散散步。)
  • 14、Sotake a walk - I never want to see you again!(你走吧,我以后再也不想再見(jiàn)到你了。)
  • 15、Get outside andtake a walk at lunch time.(在午餐的時(shí)間出去散一下步。)
  • 16、Theytake a walk on rainy day.(他們?cè)谙掠晏焐⒉健?
  • 17、When you find yourself losing focus, get up andtake a walk.(當(dāng)你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己開(kāi)始注意力不集中,你可以站起來(lái)走走。)
  • 18、To restore focus,take a walk, she says.(她認(rèn)為為了恢復(fù)注意力,可以散散步。)
  • 19、Do you want totake a walk?(你想散步嗎?)
  • 20、Let'stake a walk after dinner.(讓我們晚飯后散會(huì)步吧。)
  • 21、We like totake a walk.(我們喜歡散步。)
  • 22、Now, let'stake a walk through the new features.(現(xiàn)在,讓我們來(lái)瀏覽一下一些新的特性。)
  • 23、"I'm going totake a walk," I said softly.(“我想去散會(huì)兒步?!蔽逸p聲說(shuō)道。)
  • 24、Don' t worry! I prefer totake a walk there.(別擔(dān)心!我更喜歡在那兒散步。)
  • 25、It's healthy totake a walk after supper.(晚飯后漫步有益安康。)
  • 26、Sometimes Itake a walk after supper.(我有時(shí)晚飯后散散步。)
  • 27、For exercise, you cantake a walk.(對(duì)于鍛煉,你可以散步。)
  • 28、I sometimestake a walk outside.(有時(shí)候我會(huì)到外面散散步。)
  • 29、take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.(在紐約任何一個(gè)比較豪華的地方散步,每個(gè)人都有一只狗——用皮帶拴著,甚至用嬰兒車推著。)

take a walk基本釋義

take a walk

英 [teik ? w?:k] 美 [tek e w?k] 

散步; 遛遛; 遛達(dá)遛達(dá)