
railway station造句

railway station造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:13:55


railway station造句

  • 1、Excuse me, does this road lead to therailway station?(請問,這條路通向火車站嗎?)
  • 2、Our village is close to therailway station.(我們村挨近火車站。)
  • 3、I'm going to therailway station.(我要去火車站。)
  • 4、Why don't you try the one near therailway station?(你為什么不去火車站附近的那家試試?)
  • 5、Thousands of people were evacuated from the mainrailway station, two opera houses and several skyscrapers.(數(shù)千人從主火車站、兩座歌劇院和幾座摩天大樓撤離。)
  • 6、She left her trunk at therailway station in a hurry.(匆忙中她把行李箱落在火車站了。)
  • 7、The mainrailway station is magnificent.(那里最大的火車站宏偉壯觀。)
  • 8、Deboarding at Hefeirailway station.(在合肥鐵路站下車的旅客。)
  • 9、I went back to therailway station and got my purse.(我回到火車站,拿回了我的錢包。)
  • 10、Which bus should I take to get to therailway station?(要去火車站該坐幾路公車呢?)
  • 11、How long does it take the man to get to Huaihua High-speedrailway station?(到懷化高鐵站需要多長時間?)
  • 12、A small model of a modernrailway station.(一件袖珍模型展示了現(xiàn)代車站實況。)
  • 13、It doesn't even look like arailway station.(它看上去不像是火車站。)
  • 14、Therailway station was big, black and dark.(火車站很大,又黑又暗。)
  • 15、Can I go from here to therailway station?(我能否從這里到火車站呢?)
  • 16、Therailway station is at a distance of two miles from our school.(火車站離我們學(xué)校兩英里路程。)
  • 17、My brother took me to therailway station, and I got a bus at this end.(我哥哥帶我去火車站,我會在下火車后搭公共汽車。)
  • 18、Monzarailway station is the most important railway junction in the Brianza area.(蒙扎火車站是布里安扎地區(qū)最重要的鐵路樞紐。)
  • 19、You can take a taxi to therailway station.(您可以乘坐出租車到火車站。)
  • 20、The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as arailway station.(大理石門廳里堆滿了令人眼花繚亂的糖果和蛋糕,像火車站一樣擁擠、熙熙攘攘。)
  • 21、We determined to go to therailway station at once.(我們決定立刻去火車站。)
  • 22、Where is therailway station?(火車站在哪里?)
  • 23、Make a telephone call. Tell them to meet you at therailway station and to arrange accommodations.(先打個電話,請他們接站,安排好食宿。)
  • 24、This building fronts therailway station.(這棟建筑面朝火車站。) Hao86.com
  • 25、Hardly had I come out of therailway station when my parents ran to me and helped me carry my luggage.(我剛走出火車站,我的父母就向我跑來幫我拿行李。)
  • 26、We suppose to meet John here at therailway station.(我們想在火車站和約翰見面。)
  • 27、There are still several kilometres off from therailway station.(到車站還有好幾公里呢。)

railway station基本釋義

railway station

英 [?reilwei ?stei??n] 美 [?rel?we ?ste??n] 
