
pull apart造句

pull apart造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:13:51


pull apart造句

  • 1、If you put your fingers between the crevice at the bottom, and here's where you gotta watch out for the spring, pull the thing apart and that's it.(如果你把手指放到底部的縫隙中間,這里你需要小心彈簧,把東西分開,就是這樣。)
  • 2、The sheepskin materials is extremely great, since it has the ability topull apart humidity away from your feet.(使用醫(yī)用羊皮材料是極大的,因為它有能力將它們分開濕度離開你的腳。)
  • 3、According to the analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution, Bohai Bay basin is a strike slippull apart basin formed in the Cenozoic Eocene epoch.(從渤海灣盆地的中、新生代構(gòu)造演化分析,渤海灣盆地是一個新生代早第三紀始新世形成的走滑拉分盆地。)
  • 4、And when you quicklypull apart a pair of ceramic - or clay - tiles with fluid between them, it causes a lot of damage to the surface of the tiles.(當人們迅速地將中間含有液體的兩塊陶瓷片分開時,陶瓷片表面受到了巨大損害。)
  • 5、Seeing them finallypull apart, extending their arms until the tips of their fingers are the last to let go, is an image that stays forefront in my mind throughout the day.(看著他們最終分離,伸出胳臂直到指尖也不能再相觸…這一情景會一整天縈繞在我心頭,揮之不去。)
  • 6、The rope mightpull apart.(繩子可能要拉斷。)
  • 7、There is something to this: it can be devilishly hard topull apart fiction from reality.(這很說明問題:要把虛構(gòu)的東西和現(xiàn)實剝離開來可能極端困難。)
  • 8、Tertiarypull apart basin named Laolongwan basin was found in the Haiyuan fault zone.(在海原斷裂帶內(nèi)部發(fā)現(xiàn)一個第三紀拉分盆地,命名為老龍灣拉分盆地。)
  • 9、No longer do you need to handle dates and times as strings andpull apart the strings to get individual Numbers or month names.(不再需要將日期和時間作為字符串來處理,提取部分字符串作為單個數(shù)字或者月份的名稱。)
  • 10、This proves to be really difficult in the real world because in the real world it's hard topull apart genes and environments so, you and me will have different personalities? Why?(這在現(xiàn)實中是很難區(qū)分的,因為現(xiàn)實中很難,把基因和環(huán)境分開來講,你和我有不同的性格,為什么?)
  • 11、Then put your two thumbs on opposite sides of the dent, and gentlypull apart the shells.(之后,將兩根拇指放進凹陷兩邊,輕輕地剝開蛋殼。)
  • 12、Now, to some extent, similarity is hard topull apart from proximity.(某種程度上,相似性和鄰近性是很難區(qū)分的。)
  • 13、Each LEGO brick must have that perfect grasp — strong enough to hold onto another brick but easy enough for a child topull apart.(每一塊樂高磚必須擁有那種完美的控制——相互拼插在一起的時候足夠牢固同時又很容易被孩子們拆開。)
  • 14、If the weld is done well, it is impossible topull apart.(如果焊縫是做不好,這是不可能退出,除了。)
  • 15、Take the other piece of roving andpull apart in the middle so that you have two 8ins peices.(取另一塊粗紗、將它們分開在中間,這樣你就有兩個8英寸的。)
  • 16、pull apart a string that has delimiter characters.(按照分隔字符分解字符串。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 17、Take the other 8ins piece andpull apart longways so you have two 8ins pieces - are you still with me?(另一個8英寸,它們分開,所以你又有兩個8英寸的——你仍和我在一起嗎?)
  • 18、These verbs mean to separate orpull apart by force.(這些動詞意為用力分開或拉開。)
  • 19、The hinge is apt to bepull apart and the strength of the hinge connection is insufficient owing to the action of the elevating force in the course of casing lifting.(在套管的提升過程中,由于提升力的作用,鉸鏈接頭的失效形式一般表現(xiàn)為鉸鏈拉脫或強度不足。)
  • 20、But since Whitesides's team only grew the cells for nine days, he questions if the layers would be as easy topull apart "after they have formed organised tissues".(但由于Whitesides的團隊只用此方法培養(yǎng)了九天細胞,他質(zhì)疑,“在細胞形成組織后”這些紙張是否容易分開。)
  • 21、pull apart the soft, grey graphite and you have a flimsy sheet of carbon atoms just one atom thick, called graphene, whose electrons ping around the surface like balls in a pinball machine.(把那柔軟的、灰色的石墨拉開,你將會得到一個薄到只有一層原子厚的叫做石墨單原子層的東西。它表面周圍的電子就像彈子機里的彈球一樣。)
  • 22、If youpull apart a piece of lint carefully you will see that it is indeed composed of multiple colored threads; but as soon as you back away from it, the gray sensation returns.(如果你小心的扯開一團棉絨,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)他實際上是由多種顏色的線頭組成。但你把它揉回去之后,看見的又是灰色。)
  • 23、Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area, this paper suggests that Fangzheng rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slippull apart.(本文通過對方正地區(qū)所發(fā)現(xiàn)的負花狀構(gòu)造及其有關(guān)構(gòu)造運動形跡分析的基礎(chǔ)上,進一步提出方正斷陷是走滑—拉分形成的斷陷盆地。)
  • 24、And the other food must also conform to chopstick-friendly norms, such as being pre-cut into bite-sized pieces or be easy topull apart.(當然食物也得適于用筷子才行,例如切成小塊或者便于撕開的食物。)
  • 25、This toy is made topull apart.(這件玩具能拆開。)
  • 26、Each Lego brick must have that perfect grasp, strong enough to hold onto another brick but easy enough for a child topull apart.(每一塊樂高積木都必須有完美的抓力,既要足夠牢固可以抓牢另一塊積木,又要足夠容易,讓孩子們可以把它拉開。)

pull apart基本釋義

pull apart

英 [pul ??pɑ:t] 美 [p?l ??pɑrt] 
把 ... 拉開(或拆開); 被拉開(拆開)