pocket money造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:46


pocket money造句

  • 1、How muchpocket money have you got?(你有多少零花錢了?)
  • 2、What do your parents think about givingpocket money?(你父母對(duì)給零花錢怎么看?)
  • 3、Families have come to rely on married women's earnings as an essential part of their income rather than as "pocket money".(家庭成員已經(jīng)開(kāi)始依賴已婚婦女的收入作為他們收入的重要部分,而不是作為“零用錢”。)
  • 4、I have nopocket money.(我沒(méi)有零用錢。)
  • 5、How to spendpocket money?(如何使用零花錢?)
  • 6、I do a bit of baby-sitting on the side, for extrapocket money.(我還會(huì)做一些兼職保姆,賺點(diǎn)零花錢。)
  • 7、I wish to change somepocket money.(我希望換些零花錢。)
  • 8、He spends most of hispocket money on PlayStation games.(他將大部分的零花錢花在買游戲站的游戲上。)
  • 9、pocket money is useful to children.(零花錢對(duì)孩子來(lái)說(shuō)很有用。)
  • 10、I keep mypocket money in it.(我把我的零用錢都存在里面。)
  • 11、pocket money helps them to do something special to the society.(零花錢幫助他們?yōu)樯鐣?huì)做一些特別的事情。)
  • 12、Do most children in your country getpocket money?(你們國(guó)家的大多數(shù)孩子都有零花錢嗎?)
  • 13、Most parents agree that children should be givenpocket money.(大多數(shù)父母贊成給孩子零用錢。)
  • 14、I used to spend all mypocket money.(我過(guò)去常花光所有的零花錢。)
  • 15、Can I have morepocket money?(我可以要多一點(diǎn)零用錢嗎?)
  • 16、Can you getpocket money from your parents?(你能從父母那里得到零花錢嗎?)
  • 17、When you give kidspocket money make sure they save some of it.(給孩子們零花錢時(shí),你一定要確保他們攢下一部分。)
  • 18、To make morepocket money, he helps his parents with housework whenever he is free.(為了掙更多的零花錢,他一有空就幫父母做家務(wù)。)
  • 19、They earned themselves a littlepocket money by selling cigarettes.(他們靠賣香煙賺點(diǎn)零用錢。)
  • 20、From childhood, parents should givepocket money to their children and explain to them how to use money in a correct way and also tell them to save the money.(從童年起,父母就應(yīng)該給他們的孩子零花錢,告訴他們?nèi)绾握_使用錢,并告訴他們要存錢。)
  • 21、I'm out ofpocket money.(我零用錢花完了。)
  • 22、What about money? Do you have anypocket money?(那錢的方面呢?你有零花錢嗎?) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 23、Anyway, if you had children, how muchpocket money would you give them?(不管怎樣,如果你有孩子,你會(huì)給他們多少零花錢?)
  • 24、Young Campbell uses hispocket money to buy materials for making teddy bears.(小坎貝爾用他的零用錢購(gòu)買制作泰迪熊的材料。)
  • 25、Why do you think the rise inpocket money is often higher than inflation?(為什么你認(rèn)為零花錢的增長(zhǎng)往往高于通貨膨脹?)
  • 26、Parents these days are open to providepocket money to their school going children.(現(xiàn)在的父母愿意給他們上學(xué)的孩子提供零用錢。)
  • 27、They use theirpocket money.(他們用自己的零用錢。)
  • 28、You can now have a yard sale for the things you no longer want, and make yourself somepocket money at the same time.(你現(xiàn)在可以辦一場(chǎng)庭院買賣,賣掉你不再想要的東西,同時(shí)為自己賺一些零用錢。)
  • 29、Now you've seen this table of figures about thepocket money children in Britain get?(現(xiàn)在你看到這張關(guān)于英國(guó)小孩所得零用錢的表格了嗎?)
  • 30、Could you give me somepocket money?(能給我點(diǎn)兒零花錢嗎?)

pocket money基本釋義

pocket money

英 ['p?k?t 'm?n?] 美 [?pɑk?t ?m?ni] 
