
plain clothes造句

plain clothes造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:13:44


plain clothes造句

  • 1、Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.(樸素的服裝適合在學校里穿。)
  • 2、The policemen disguised themselves inplain clothes.(警察穿上便服偽裝自己。)
  • 3、Thee youth with aplain clothes came to the front of the elderly, bent down and whispered: "Sir, I want to buy the house, but I was only 1 million pounds."(一個衣著樸素的青年來到老人眼前,彎下腰,低聲說::“先生,我也好想買這棟住宅,可我只有1萬英鎊。)
  • 4、KGB officers inplain clothes were clearly in charge even at the police station, and the arrest itself was as choreographed as the trial to come.(很明顯,當時是由克格勃的便衣警察在掌控局勢,甚至在警署也是如此,逮捕行動和接下來審訊一樣都是他們編排的。)
  • 5、She always wearsplain clothes to work.(她總是穿樸素的衣服去上班。)
  • 6、The protest might have petered out had not snipers inplain clothes, assumed to be security men loyal to Mr Saleh, fired into crowds in the capital on March 18th, killing some 50 people.(抗議也許會慢慢的消失,但是便衣的狙擊手們可不會,他們假裝成忠誠于薩利赫先生的安全人員,于3月18日朝著人群開火,致使50余人喪命。)
  • 7、But at dawn, as he and many thousand supporters prepared to gather at a city park, plain-clothes policemen arrested him and, struggling to get through a dense crowd, took him away.(但是就在黎明,就在他準備和成千上萬的支持者在城市公園碰面時,便衣警察逮捕了他并艱難地穿過擁擠的人群將其帶走。)
  • 8、When the snow flies flying, dressed in aplain clothes conceal her color flow, the world also come because of snow become exceptionally pure, especially enchanting.(當雪花凌空飛揚時,一襲素衣掩不住她的流彩,這個世界也因雪花的蒞臨而變得分外純凈,分外妖嬈。)
  • 9、plain clothes are appropriate for school wear.(樸素的衣服適合于上學時穿著。) hao86.com
  • 10、They came in a huge truck full of police men, plus two police women, plus aplain clothes intelligence agent and a magistrate.(他們開來了一輛很大的卡車,里滿全是警察,其中有兩名女警。)
  • 11、Another hypothesis suggests that boring always dresses inplain clothes and boring work.(還有一種假設認為無趣的人總衣著普通,無趣地工作。)
  • 12、He dress inplain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?(他衣著普通,開一輛舊車,誰會想到他是小鎮(zhèn)上最富有的人???)
  • 13、Usually, he took plain carriage with fewer attendants and woreplain clothes. His behavior became polite and modest.(平時輕車簡從,穿著樸素,對人一貫保持謙恭有禮。)
  • 14、My grandmother is so plain that she would sew up her worn-out clothes and wear them again and again.(我的祖母非常之節(jié)儉,她會一次又一次地縫補她穿破了的衣服然后穿上。)
  • 15、I am just a commoner. I was not on a commission. I woreplain clothes and straw sandals, and with the help of a walking stick, I traveled the world on my own terms. When I die, I have no regrets.(我只是一個平民,沒有受命,只是穿著布衣,駐著拐杖,穿著草鞋,憑借自己,游歷天下,故雖死,無憾。)
  • 16、plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime.(隱蔽調查犯罪的便衣警察。)
  • 17、We stopped at the entrance, where dozens of uniformed andplain clothes real estate militia were assembled.(我們在入口處停下,那里集結著幾十名身著制服和便衣的地產戰(zhàn)士。)
  • 18、He dresses inplain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?You can't judge a book by its cover.(人的外貌和穿著就好比書的封皮,封皮普通不意味著內容一般,長相和穿著好看同樣也不等于人很善良。)
  • 19、Combatants will be in uniform or will wear specially introduced and clearly distinguishable badges. Fighting inplain clothes or without such badges is prohibited.(戰(zhàn)斗人員必須穿制服,或佩帶特別指定的和清楚易辨的徽章標識。禁止穿便服或不帶這種徽章標識作戰(zhàn)。)
  • 20、Now he chats with hisplain clothes rebel comrades next to a gun-mounted pick-up truck, hoisting a Belgian-made FN light automatic rifle that's half his height.(如今,他的手里拿著一把有他身高一半長的比利時制FN自動步槍,站在一輛皮卡戰(zhàn)車旁與身著平民服裝的反抗軍同志們聊著天。)
  • 21、She's inplain clothes.(她的穿著很樸素。)
  • 22、There were policemen inplain clothes in the crowd.(人群中有穿著便衣的警察。)
  • 23、Angela: he dresses inplain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?(安吉拉:他穿著很平常,開著一輛舊車,誰會想到他是這個城里最富有的人呢?)
  • 24、Three officers inplain clothes told me to get out of the car.(三名便衣軍官叫我從車上下來。)

plain clothes基本釋義

plain clothes

英 [plein kl?uez] 美 [plen kloz] 