
pick to pieces造句

pick to pieces造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:43


pick to pieces造句

  • 1、Two Mrs Fall on the ground bracelet pieces to pick it up.(二太太把散落在地上的鐲子碎片給撿了起來(lái)。)
  • 2、After all, they would not have to pick up the pieces.(畢竟,他們不需要去收拾爛攤子。)
  • 3、Not everyone gets to pick up the pieces. If you drink, don't drive.(不是每個(gè)人都能收拾這樣的殘局。如果你喝了酒,請(qǐng)不要開(kāi)車(chē)。)
  • 4、Time to pick up the pieces and... You know, and move on, I suppose.(我想他們?cè)谑帐皻埦?,日子還得過(guò)下去呢。)
  • 5、Now you have to pick up all the pieces off the floor.(你為什么撕那張紙?現(xiàn)在你必須把地板上所有的碎紙屑撿起來(lái)。)
  • 6、As this skirt fits badly, I shall pick it to pieces and remake it.(這條裙子一點(diǎn)不合身,我要把它全部扯開(kāi)重做。) haO86.com
  • 7、As the dress fits badly, I shall pick it to pieces and remake it.(這件衣服不合身,我要把它拆了,重新做。)

pick to pieces基本釋義

pick to pieces

