
pocket - recorder造句

pocket - recorder造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:46


pocket - recorder造句

  • 1、He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder.(他對(duì)自己的新袖珍錄音機(jī)愛(ài)不釋手。) hao86.com
  • 2、Though I wanted to buy a pocket recorder, I decided to send the money to the children in the countryside.(雖然我想買(mǎi)一個(gè)便攜式錄音機(jī),可是我還是決定把錢(qián)捐給鄉(xiāng)村的孩子們。)
  • 3、The tape recorder is so small that you can carry it in your pocket.(這臺(tái)錄音機(jī)體積小,可以把它放在衣袋里。)
  • 4、By the pc-1500 pocket computer as recorder and the point coordinate as recording content, this paper provides a new way of the field data collecting and coding.(本文以PC-1500為記錄器,以測(cè)點(diǎn)坐標(biāo)為記錄內(nèi)容,設(shè)計(jì)了一套數(shù)據(jù)采集和編碼方法。)
  • 5、He put his pocket recorder on the tea table, saying that he wanted to not endow what I was going to say as it was being interpreted.(他把微型錄音機(jī)放在茶幾上,要把我的原話(huà)和翻譯的譯語(yǔ)都留下來(lái)。)

pocket - recorder基本釋義
