rise to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:03


rise to造句

  • 1、The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, torise to prominence in a very short space of time.(網(wǎng)絡(luò)讓新的新聞提供者,從個(gè)人博客寫手到網(wǎng)站,在很短的時(shí)間內(nèi)脫穎而出。)
  • 2、All of this will be a moot point once the robot armiesrise to power and start pulverizing each other with scrap metal.(一旦機(jī)器人軍隊(duì)掌權(quán)并開始用廢金屬互相摧毀,所有這些都將成為爭(zhēng)論點(diǎn)。)
  • 3、When egg whites are beaten they canrise to seven or eight times their original volume.(打過的蛋清,體積可以漲到原來的七八倍。)
  • 4、It seems like magic that a fleshy lump of gray, disgusting meat can giverise to these feelings.(一個(gè)灰色的肉質(zhì)塊,惡心的肉,能引起這些感覺,這就像魔法一樣。)
  • 5、What kind of invader givesrise to such high-level monitoring?(什么樣的入侵者會(huì)引發(fā)如此高級(jí)別的監(jiān)控?)
  • 6、Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have givenrise to Earth's Moon.(地球和火星大小的撞擊物發(fā)生如此巨大的碰撞,可能導(dǎo)致了月球的形成。)
  • 7、These submarine earthquakes sometimes giverise to seismic sea waves.(這些海底地震有時(shí)會(huì)引起地震海浪。)
  • 8、The new Germany mustrise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.(新德國(guó)必須奮起應(yīng)對(duì)更艱巨的挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 9、Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles andrise to the surface.(墨點(diǎn)吸附在氣泡上,升到表面。)
  • 10、At a recent seminar, many participants were worried about the fact that overpopulation may giverise to many social security problems.(在最近的一次研討會(huì)上,許多與會(huì)者擔(dān)心人口過??赡軙?huì)引起許多社會(huì)保障問題。)
  • 11、Recently, we students have been greatly disturbed by the noise from the factory near our school, which has givenrise to many complaints.(最近,校園附近工廠的噪音嚴(yán)重打擾了我們學(xué)生,這引發(fā)了許多的不滿。)
  • 12、I refuse torise to that sort of comment.(我拒絕對(duì)那樣的評(píng)論作出反應(yīng)。)
  • 13、The magazine 'Hello!' gaverise to a number of me-too publications.(《你好!》雜志帶動(dòng)了許多效仿它的刊物問世。)
  • 14、Low levels of choline in the body can giverise to high blood pressure.(體內(nèi)膽堿含量低可引發(fā)高血壓。)
  • 15、In fact, various emotional states giverise to certain patterns of electrical activity in the facial muscles and in the brain.(事實(shí)上,不同的情緒狀態(tài)會(huì)在面部肌肉和大腦中產(chǎn)生特定的腦電活動(dòng)模式。)
  • 16、There's a lag phase, and there's a slowrise to an intermediate level of antibody concentration.(有一個(gè)遲滯期,抗體濃度緩慢上升至中間水平。)
  • 17、As feudalism decayed in the West it gaverise to a mercantile class.(隨著西方封建制度解體,商業(yè)階層應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。)
  • 18、Psychological research has givenrise to some interesting findings concerning the facial-feedback hypothesis.(關(guān)于面部表情反饋假說,心理學(xué)研究提供了一些有趣的發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 19、She felt a warm blushrise to her cheeks.(她感到雙頰熱辣辣的。)
  • 20、The adaptation was farming: the global-warming crisis that gaverise to it happened more than 10,000 years ago.(適應(yīng)氣候變化的是農(nóng)業(yè):1萬(wàn)多年前的全球變暖危機(jī)導(dǎo)致了這一變化。)
  • 21、Can smiling giverise to feelings of good will, for example, and frowning to anger?(比如,微笑可以讓你擁有善意的感覺嗎?皺眉會(huì)讓你感到憤怒嗎?)
  • 22、The novel's success gaverise to a number of sequels.(這部小說的成功帶來了一系列的續(xù)篇。)
  • 23、When surface temperaturesrise to a comfortable threshold, they emerge.(當(dāng)?shù)乇頊囟壬仙揭粋€(gè)舒適的閾值時(shí),它們就會(huì)浮現(xiàn)。)
  • 24、She was the only woman torise to such an exalted position.(她是唯一高升到如此顯赫地位的女人。) hao86.com
  • 25、Uniforms also giverise to some practical problems.(制服也引起了一些實(shí)際的問題。)
  • 26、Some people lose heart when they come across failures while othersrise to the challenge.(一些人在面對(duì)失敗之時(shí)灰心喪氣而另一些人則迎接這一挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 27、He was determined torise to the challenge.(他決心克服困難迎接挑戰(zhàn)。)

rise to基本釋義