
no talking造句

no talking造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:26


no talking造句

  • 1、no talking in the asana is not just a norm, it is a rule.(在做瑜伽的時(shí)候不要講話,這不僅僅是一種規(guī)范,更應(yīng)該是一個(gè)規(guī)定。)
  • 2、Absolute silence should be maintained in the library.no talking or discussing in the library. Permission to be got to stay late in library.(在圖書館請(qǐng)保持安靜。請(qǐng)勿在圖書館隨意交談或討論。如果需要在圖書館學(xué)習(xí)到很晚需申請(qǐng)批準(zhǔn)。)
  • 3、Great. Butno talking, now. Don't forget that you are on a ladder. Take care!(是很不錯(cuò)。但是現(xiàn)在別說話。別忘了你正站在梯子上呢。小心點(diǎn)。)
  • 4、no talking is allowed in class.(課堂上不準(zhǔn)講話。)
  • 5、Please close your eyes.no talking. Have sweet dreams.(請(qǐng)閉上眼睛,不要說話,做個(gè)美夢(mèng)。)
  • 6、no talking and shouting is allowed during training.(訓(xùn)練期間不得高聲談?wù)摷靶鷩W。)
  • 7、If you talk to Anthony Gonzalez, you will realize quickly that there isno talking him into slowing down on the road.(如果想和安東尼·岡薩雷斯交談,你會(huì)意識(shí)到想要他在路上慢下來的話,那是不可能的事情。)
  • 8、no talking and eating in class.(上課禁止講話和吃東西!)
  • 9、no talking is allowed during class.(上課時(shí)不準(zhǔn)說話。) hao86.com
  • 10、no talking in a movie theater during the movie.(電影院里看電影時(shí),不要說話。)
  • 11、"no talking about love" is the Chili published in the late eighties of the last century's story.(《不談愛情》是池莉發(fā)表于上世紀(jì)八十年代末的一篇小說。)
  • 12、no talking is allowed during the lesson.(上課時(shí)不準(zhǔn)語言。)
  • 13、When we are on a field trip, there will beno talking as we enter a building.(進(jìn)行校外教學(xué)時(shí),進(jìn)去任何場(chǎng)所都不可以講話。)
  • 14、no talking whatsoever.(絕對(duì)不準(zhǔn)講話。)
  • 15、At the retreat, absolutelyno talking is allowed except for a one-hour counselling session a day, and recording a short diary on tape.(在規(guī)避期間,當(dāng)然是禁止談話的,除了每天一小時(shí)的開會(huì)和簡(jiǎn)短的磁帶錄音時(shí)間以外。)
  • 16、"That meantno talking to your roommate, or on the phone or to yourself, " Turner says.(特納說:“這意味著休息后不許和室友交談,或者接打電話”。)
  • 17、So, I insist,no talking. Please, no food or drink.(所以,我堅(jiān)持不能交談,不能有食物和飲料。)
  • 18、They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all—no talking.(他們都遵守著那條約束他們所有人的默認(rèn)規(guī)則——要守口如瓶。)
  • 19、Butno talking, now.(但是現(xiàn)在別說話。)
  • 20、no talking after lights are out.(熄燈后不許說話。)
  • 21、We'll give them a paper test -- no computers,no talking to each other, etc.(我讓他們參加一個(gè)筆試測(cè)試--沒有電腦,不準(zhǔn)互相交談,等等。)
  • 22、First of all, no conversations,no talking.(首先,沒有對(duì)話,沒有交談。)
  • 23、Not only was thereno talking during meals, but food was not wasted, and very few people rushed back to San Francisco. This is very good.(今年的情形大有改善,不但不講話,也不糟蹋食物,很少人趕著回三藩市,這是很可喜的事。)
  • 24、Without financial reward, there isno talking about motivation.(沒有金錢獎(jiǎng)勵(lì),談不上調(diào)動(dòng)積極性。)

no talking基本釋義