
make a noise造句

make a noise造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:13:09


make a noise造句

  • 1、The next time you see a cute little marmoset, don'tmake a noise, just keep quiet.(下一次當你看到一只可愛的小狨猴時,千萬不要發(fā)出叫聲,保持安靜就好。)
  • 2、The bus was late again today! Let'smake a noise to the company about it.(今天公共汽車又誤點了,咱們到汽車公司告狀去。)
  • 3、You can'tmake a noise in the library.(你不可以在圖書館發(fā)出噪音。)
  • 4、Tomake a noise to show one's amusement and happiness.(發(fā)出聲音以表現(xiàn)出愉快的情緒。)
  • 5、It's very impolite tomake a noise.(制造噪音是很不禮貌的。)
  • 6、Try not tomake a noise when you go upstairs.(你上樓時盡量別弄出聲來。)
  • 7、If an app launches in a forest and there's no one there to use it, does itmake a noise?(如果你的應(yīng)用選在森林中發(fā)布,每人會去使用,它弄出動靜了么?)
  • 8、If he sits on the chair for over one hour, it willmake a noise.(如果他坐在椅子上超過一個小時,這將發(fā)出噪音。)
  • 9、Don'tmake a noise or else you'll wake the baby.(不要出聲,要不就把孩子吵醒了。)
  • 10、You mustn'tmake a noise!(你不該弄出噪音來!)
  • 11、Air is then pushed around until the walls shatter andmake a noise. And that's what you hear!(所有的過程都發(fā)生在其中:當牛奶等液體充填入空洞其中時,空氣被推動,壓迫外壁造成其碎裂發(fā)出響聲,那就是你所聽到的!)
  • 12、'Please hear what he has to say and don'tmake a noise.(請聽好了,他要說話,不要搞出噪音。)
  • 13、His only joy is tomake a noise.(他唯一的樂趣就是制造噪音。)
  • 14、If a tree grows in the forest and no one is there, does itmake a noise?(如果一棵樹生長在森林中,沒有一個是有,是否進行隔音?)
  • 15、Much want let the lovemake a noise?(多想讓愛發(fā)出聲響?。?
  • 16、It is bad manners tomake a noise while eating soup.(喝湯時發(fā)出聲音是不禮貌的。)
  • 17、Don'tmake a noise.(不要大聲吵鬧。)
  • 18、Don'tmake a noise, the baby is sleeping.(不要吵鬧,孩子正在睡覺。)
  • 19、They return at evening: theymake a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.(他們晚上轉(zhuǎn)回,叫號如狗,圍城繞行。)
  • 20、Space mulberry road the second diplomatic corps chief quicklymake a noise to say.(格桑路亞的使節(jié)團團長趕忙出聲說道。)
  • 21、Don't run! I'm sorry.Miss Fang.Don'tmake a noise! We're sorry, Miss Fang.(不要跑!對不起。芳小姐。不要制造噪音。我們對不起。芳小姐。)
  • 22、In any case it may want tomake a noise more than to spare your feelings.(不論怎樣,它都想要制造出聲響而不考慮你的感受。)
  • 23、Youmake a noise in the classroom.(你不應(yīng)該在教室里吵鬧。)
  • 24、It's like I wanted tomake a noise without moving anything at all.(這就好像我要在沒有任何動作的情況下要發(fā)出聲音一樣。)
  • 25、He feared the children wouldmake a noise.(他怕孩子們吵鬧。)
  • 26、You push a button, and it goes into the box, and it doesn'tmake a noise.(你按下一個按鈕,就做出一個盒子,而且沒有噪音。)

make a noise基本釋義

make a noise

英 [meik ? n?iz] 美 [mek e n??z] 

