
Margaret Mitchell造句

Margaret Mitchell造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:12


Margaret Mitchell造句

  • 1、ATLANTA —Margaret Mitchell called her tiny ground-floor apartment here on Peachtree Street in midtown "the dump."(亞特蘭大——瑪格麗特·米歇爾將她在市中心桃樹(shù)路的底層小公寓稱為“垃圾堆”。)
  • 2、Margaret Mitchell: Scarlett heard the stairs groan and she got softly to her feet.(傅東華:思嘉聽(tīng)見(jiàn)樓梯咯咯地作響,她就輕輕地站起來(lái)。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 3、The Atlanta History Center, which operates theMargaret Mitchell House, is celebrating with an exhibit, Atlanta's Book: the Lost 'Gone with the Wind' Manuscript (running Saturday through Sept. 5).(亞特蘭大歷史中心不僅負(fù)責(zé)管理瑪格麗特·米歇爾故居,還為此舉辦了一場(chǎng)展覽——亞特蘭大之書:遺失的《亂世佳人》稿件(展覽時(shí)間:本周六至9月5號(hào))。)
  • 4、Along with Disney's Mickey Mouse, Gone with the Wind was one of the first Hollywood products to be widely merchandised, according to Don Rooney, aMargaret Mitchell expert at the history center.(魯尼先生是歷史中心研究瑪格麗特·米歇爾的專家,據(jù)他稱,就像迪斯尼的米老鼠一樣,《亂世佳人》也是首批廣為暢銷的好萊塢作品之一。)

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