
perform a role造句

perform a role造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:41


perform a role造句

  • 1、For example, we often want to consider: can a certain role perform a particular operation upon a specific object?(例如,我們經(jīng)常要考慮這樣的問(wèn)題:特定角色是否可以對(duì)特定的對(duì)象執(zhí)行特定的操作?)
  • 2、It is implied by the directive, that there is a business role within the bank called "teller" and that people perform that role.(這個(gè)指示暗示銀行中有稱為“出納員”的業(yè)務(wù)角色并有擔(dān)任這個(gè)角色的人。)
  • 3、A single person or a team could perform the user role.(一個(gè)人或一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)可能擔(dān)任一個(gè)用戶角色。) hao86.com
  • 4、When actually performing this work in a project, a project manager can still decide whether to assign one person per role or to have that person perform several roles at the same time.(實(shí)際上,當(dāng)在一個(gè)項(xiàng)目中執(zhí)行某個(gè)工作時(shí),項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理仍然可以決定是否一人一個(gè)角色或者一人同時(shí)執(zhí)行多個(gè)角色。)
  • 5、The roofs covering a portion of the buildingperform a role that is both symbolic and environmental.(屋頂只覆蓋了建筑的一部分,起著象征和環(huán)保的作用。)
  • 6、They perform a crucial and valuable role but our survey shows the NHS is playing a high risk game by relying on these overseas staff to commit long term to the NHS.(巴肯說(shuō):“這些人在實(shí)際工作中扮演著至關(guān)重要且卓有成效的角色,但我們的研究顯示,NHS指望這些人長(zhǎng)期為其提供服務(wù)的做法不啻于在玩一種具有高度危險(xiǎn)性的游戲。”)
  • 7、Aluminum panels are incorporated into this skeleton to form a positive connection and perform a load-bearing role.(鋁面板納入本骨架,形成一個(gè)積極的連接,并執(zhí)行一個(gè)承重的作用。)
  • 8、And experts say that for some people, stuttering disappears when they speak to infants or animals, imitate a foreign dialect, orperform a role onstage.(專家說(shuō),對(duì)一些口吃者來(lái)說(shuō),跟嬰兒或動(dòng)物說(shuō)話,模仿外國(guó)口音,或者上臺(tái)表演時(shí),口吃會(huì)消失。)
  • 9、While there are certain "core" functions that the majority of EPMOs perform, the role, the staffing, and the services or functions delivered vary to a surprising degree from one enterprise to another.(雖然大部分EPMO都執(zhí)行某些“核心的”功能,但是角色、人員配備,和所交付的服務(wù)或功能在企業(yè)和企業(yè)之間有令人驚奇的差別。)
  • 10、A role can represent multiple users, but it also represents the permissions that a set of users can perform.(一個(gè)角色可以代表多個(gè)用戶,但它也代表一個(gè)用戶集可以執(zhí)行的權(quán)限。)
  • 11、It is important to note that a single person can perform more than one role and that more than one person can fulfill a single role.(請(qǐng)注意,一個(gè)人可以扮演多個(gè)角色,一個(gè)角色也可以由多個(gè)人來(lái)扮演,明白這點(diǎn)很重要。)
  • 12、Database security administrator (DBSECADM) is a new built-in role introduced to perform all security-related administration, including setup of the LBAC security infrastructure.(數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)安全管理員(DBSECADM)是一個(gè)新的內(nèi)置角色,用于執(zhí)行所有與安全相關(guān)的管理,包括LBAC安全基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的設(shè)置。)
  • 13、Users and groups can be assigned to roles such as System Administrator or Browser, and all members of a particular role will be allowed to perform operations that are defined for that role.(用戶和組可以分配給諸如systemAdministrator或Browser之類的角色,特定角色的所有成員都將允許執(zhí)行為該角色定義的操作。)
  • 14、Its merits in combat remain to be seen, but at least the ship exists to perform a combat role.(它在戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)上的優(yōu)點(diǎn)仍有待觀察,但至少它的存在是要在戰(zhàn)斗中履行一份任務(wù)的。)
  • 15、TIACA believes a strong association can perFORM a vital role in enhancing cooperation, understanding and commerce among nations.(協(xié)會(huì)堅(jiān)信一個(gè)強(qiáng)大的協(xié)會(huì)在加強(qiáng)各國(guó)之間所合作、理解和商業(yè)來(lái)往扮演著一個(gè)重要角色。)
  • 16、Often a grandparent could perform the role of main carer.(祖父母經(jīng)常起到主要照顧者的作用。)
  • 17、The interviewer takes the lead role and asks candidates a series of questions mainly about qualifications to perform the job.(面試官引導(dǎo)面試的整個(gè)過(guò)程,通過(guò)問(wèn)候選人一系列的問(wèn)題看看他是不是適合這個(gè)工作。)
  • 18、The police perform a vital role in our society.(警察在我們的社會(huì)中起著極其重要的作用。)
  • 19、Life is a play, we should perform their role as well.(生活其實(shí)就是一場(chǎng)戲,我們就該演繹好自己的角色。)
  • 20、To a great extent, an individual's role determines what tasks he will need to perform with XML data that is in the database.(在很大程度上,個(gè)人的角色決定了其需要在數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)中對(duì)XML數(shù)據(jù)執(zhí)行的任務(wù)。)
  • 21、At the same time, however, he would perform a beneficial role in two ways.(不過(guò)同時(shí),他也在兩個(gè)方面發(fā)揮了有益的作用。)
  • 22、Before you can build a strategic campaign to negotiate the conditions you need to perform well in a new role, you must learn to overcome these flawed assumptions.(在你制定策略為爭(zhēng)取新崗位的成功而談判之前,你必須學(xué)會(huì)克服這三個(gè)缺陷重重的假設(shè)。)
  • 23、The best way to gather such information is to perform an as-is analysis that helps yield a segmentation according to role-based usage patterns.(收集這些信息的最佳方法是執(zhí)行as-is分析,這有助于根據(jù)基于角色的使用模式進(jìn)行分類。)
  • 24、Similarly, a person may perform more than one role.(同樣,一個(gè)人也可以擔(dān)任多個(gè)角色。)
  • 25、The permission to perform certain operations are assigned to a role.(每個(gè)角色被賦予執(zhí)行某些操作的許可。)
  • 26、The Refuge is able to perform such a strategic role because it is virtually self-sufficient.(避風(fēng)港之所以得以發(fā)揮這種戰(zhàn)略作用,因它基本自給自足。)
  • 27、In this approach, authenticated user has assigned roles and system checks and verifies that either a specific assigned role can perform the operation requested.(在這個(gè)方法中,通過(guò)身份驗(yàn)證的用戶,被分配了系統(tǒng)的角色和檢查,來(lái)驗(yàn)證有這個(gè)角色的用戶可以執(zhí)行這個(gè)方法。)
  • 28、Each predefined role grants authorization for a fixed set of actions that the user is permitted to perform on this business entity, such as claiming a task or getting the process instance data.(每個(gè)預(yù)定義的角色都為用戶對(duì)此業(yè)務(wù)實(shí)體執(zhí)行一組固定操作授予權(quán)限,如聲明任務(wù)或獲取流程實(shí)例數(shù)據(jù)。)

perform a role基本釋義