
perform onstage造句

perform onstage造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:41


perform onstage造句

  • 1、And experts say that for some people, stuttering disappears when they speak to infants or animals, imitate a foreign dialect, or perform a role onstage.(專家說,對(duì)一些口吃者來(lái)說,跟嬰兒或動(dòng)物說話,模仿外國(guó)口音,或者上臺(tái)表演時(shí),口吃會(huì)消失。)
  • 2、So even if an appearance is considered voluntary, individual Rockettes may feel forced to perform if they are told that executives want them onstage in Washington.(所以如果被告知高管想讓她們?cè)谌A盛頓登臺(tái),哪怕演出被認(rèn)為是自愿的,具體到個(gè)別火箭女郎,可能也會(huì)感覺自己不得不參加演出。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 3、Besides training, soldiers can enjoy movies andperform onstage in speaking contests.(在訓(xùn)練之余,士兵們還可以看電影,參加演講比賽上臺(tái)表演。)

perform onstage基本釋義