
now and then造句

now and then造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:27


now and then造句

  • 1、Mrs. Sowerby is to come and see hernow and then and she may sometimes go to the cottage.(索爾比太太偶爾會來看她,她有時(shí)也能到索爾比太太家的茅屋去看看。)
  • 2、You need to lift your head everynow and then when you're reading, which is good for your eyes.(閱讀時(shí),你應(yīng)該偶爾抬頭,這對你的眼睛有好處。) hAo86.com
  • 3、Using polite words everynow and then can help us give a good impression on others.(時(shí)不時(shí)地使用禮貌用語能夠讓我們在他人心中留下一個(gè)良好的印象。)
  • 4、The robin hopped about busily pecking the soil andnow and then stopped and looked at them a little.(那只知更鳥跳來跳去,忙著啄土,時(shí)不時(shí)地停下來看看它們。)
  • 5、My father has a collection of magazines to which I return everynow and then.(我父親收藏雜志,我偶爾會翻閱一下。)
  • 6、My grandfather still plays tennisnow and then.(我爺爺仍會時(shí)不時(shí)地打網(wǎng)球。)
  • 7、now and then they heard the roar of a heavy lorry.(他們不時(shí)聽見一輛重型卡車的轟響聲。)
  • 8、now and then you read in the newspaper about somebody whose parachute failed to open, and so they died.(不時(shí)地你會在報(bào)紙上看到某人的降落傘沒打開,導(dǎo)致他們死了。)
  • 9、Yes, even you need time offnow and then!(你需要休假,而現(xiàn)在時(shí)機(jī)正好。)
  • 10、Because he kept breaking into a slow grinnow and then, Mary was not afraid to talk to him.(他時(shí)不時(shí)會笑一笑,瑪麗并不害怕和他說話。)
  • 11、now and then these "dirty snow balls" begin to orbit the sun just as the planets do.(時(shí)不時(shí)地,這些“臟雪球”會像行星一樣繞著太陽公轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 12、He can work hard but he needs a nudgenow and then.(他能夠努力工作,但偶爾需要督促一下。)
  • 13、Peter was silent, and without more ado started off, still angrily looking backnow and then.(彼得默不作聲,二話沒說就走了,仍然不時(shí)地氣呼呼地回頭看。)
  • 14、She smilednow and then.(但她不時(shí)還在微笑。)
  • 15、A dollop of romancenow and then is good for everybody.(時(shí)而來點(diǎn)兒浪漫對每個(gè)人都有好處。)
  • 16、In spite of his premeditated carefulness, the floor wouldnow and then creak.(盡管他事先策劃周密,但地板還是會不時(shí)吱嘎作響。)
  • 17、The speaker told a joke or storynow and then when he gave the talk to keep us interested.(演講者為了保持我們的興趣,不時(shí)地會講一個(gè)笑話或故事。)
  • 18、She plays truantnow and then.(她時(shí)不時(shí)的逃學(xué)。)
  • 19、Sitting down comfortably, the two men passed their time by chatting, taking a sipnow and then.(兩人舒服地坐了下來,邊聊天邊打發(fā)時(shí)間,時(shí)不時(shí)地喝上一小口。)
  • 20、now and then I referred a client to him.(我不時(shí)地介紹客戶給他。)
  • 21、It is perfectly all right,now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak, and to speak while others remain silent.(有時(shí)候,一個(gè)人被說話的沖動所支配,在別人保持沉默的時(shí)候說話,這是完全正常的。)
  • 22、Everynow and then he regretted his decision.(他有時(shí)為自己的決定后悔。)
  • 23、My grandfather still plays tennisnow and then, even though he's in his seventies.(即使是七十多歲了,我的爺爺仍然會時(shí)不時(shí)地打打網(wǎng)球。)
  • 24、now and then I was happy; once in a week perhaps.(有時(shí)候我也快樂,也許一個(gè)星期有一次吧。)
  • 25、But Helen heard their whispersnow and then.(但海倫還是不時(shí)地聽見他們的耳語。)
  • 26、now and then one of the goats would come and lie down near them.(時(shí)不時(shí)會有一只山羊過來,在她們旁邊趴一會兒。)
  • 27、now and then she reads a word out loud.(她時(shí)不時(shí)的讀出報(bào)紙上的話。)
  • 28、now and then a wintry wind shivered through the place and sent the snow eddying hither and thither.(寒風(fēng)不時(shí)地吹過,把雪吹得四處飄。)
  • 29、now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers.(他們不時(shí)走到一些幽靜的角落里,那里鋪滿了青草,點(diǎn)綴著寶石般的花朵。)
  • 30、It's probably good for you to get some criticismnow and then.(偶爾受點(diǎn)批評或許對你還有好處。)

now and then基本釋義

now and then

英 [nau ?nd een] 美 [na? ?nd e?n] 
時(shí)而; 不時(shí)