in class造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:41


in class造句

  • 1、You drawin class and that helps me pay attention?(你在課堂上畫著記筆記的方法能幫助我集中注意力嗎?)
  • 2、Someone named Simon isin class 2.(某個叫西蒙的小子在2班。)
  • 3、Do you usually take notesin class with a pen or pencil?(你在課堂上記筆記通常用鋼筆還是鉛筆?)
  • 4、My brother isin class Three, Grade Nine.(我哥哥在九年級三班。)
  • 5、Having some fun classroom activities can make students more activein class.(進(jìn)行一些有趣的課堂活動可以使學(xué)生在課堂上更加活躍。)
  • 6、Don't listen to musicin class.(在課堂上不要聽音樂。)
  • 7、Some students often doze offin class.(有些學(xué)生經(jīng)常在課堂上打瞌睡。)
  • 8、You should not read comic booksin class.(你不應(yīng)該在課堂上看漫畫書。)
  • 9、Don't look outin class.(在上課時不要向外看。)
  • 10、Why do students sometimes fall asleepin class?(為什么學(xué)生有時會在課堂上睡覺?)
  • 11、I always speak Englishin class.(我在課堂上一直都講英語。)
  • 12、I hope you can learn a lotin class.(我希望你能在課堂上學(xué)到很多東西。)
  • 13、He's English and he'sin class One.(他是英國人,他在一班。)
  • 14、I remember we went over a diagramin class.(我記得我們在課堂上復(fù)習(xí)過一個圖表。)
  • 15、Try to make notesin class and revise them after class.(試著在課堂上做筆記并在課后復(fù)習(xí)筆記。)
  • 16、She isin class five, grade five.(她在三年級十班。)
  • 17、My Chinese teacher loves to tell jokesin class.(我的語文老師喜歡在課堂上講笑話。)
  • 18、I'm Chinese, and I'min class One.(我是中國人,我在一班。)
  • 19、Don't make noisein class!(在課堂上不要制造噪音!)
  • 20、That was a really interesting lecturein class today.(今天班上的課真的很有趣。)
  • 21、I'min class two, grade six.(我在六年級二班。)
  • 22、We learned about mammalsin class today.(我們今天在課堂上學(xué)了有關(guān)哺乳動物的知識。)
  • 23、in class we should not talk at the same time; we should take turns.(上課時,我們不應(yīng)同時發(fā)言,而應(yīng)輪流發(fā)言。) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 24、Are youin class 2, Grade 1?(你在一年級二班嗎?)
  • 25、Kyle, a student who I never saw textin class, gave the teacher his phone.(我在課堂上從未見過凱爾發(fā)短信,但他把手機交給了老師。)
  • 26、Talk a lotin class.(在課堂上多說話。)
  • 27、Staying up late to play computer games may leave you nodding offin class.(熬夜玩電腦游戲可能會讓你在課堂上打瞌睡。)
  • 28、She was admonished for chewing gumin class.(她在課堂上嚼口香糖,受到了告誡。)

in class基本釋義

in class

英 [in klɑ:s] 美 [?n kl?s] 
