
living quarters造句

living quarters造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:13:04


living quarters造句

  • 1、Two large sliding doors lead from the Main Hall into theliving quarters and a mudroom.(通過兩扇大的移動門,我們可以從大廳進入臥室和儲藏室。)
  • 2、During his time in Okinawa as a second lieutenant, and to the amusement of his fellow Marines, Colonel Richardson set up a studio in hisliving quarters.(在沖繩島擔任第二中尉的時候,尉了娛樂他的海軍陸戰(zhàn),上校理查德森在他的住所建立了工作室。)
  • 3、The amount of calcification was found to be related directly to the distance ofliving quarters from heavy traffic.(研究發(fā)現(xiàn),鈣化程度和居住地離交通擁擠路段的距離有直接關系。)
  • 4、A nuclear family is a family group consisting of a father and mother and their children, who shareliving quarters.(Nuclearfamily(核心家庭)指由一對夫妻及其子女組成,并且共同居住在同一屋檐下的家庭。)
  • 5、The combination of the raw, loft-style concrete form of the garage with the graphite form of theliving quarters gave rise to a contrasting composition.(車庫使用閣樓式粗糙混凝土模板,結合生活區(qū)的石墨形態(tài),產生了一種鮮明的對照效果。)
  • 6、They also constructedliving quarters for workers.(他們還給工人修建了生活區(qū)。)
  • 7、Otherwise theliving quarters are painted in light color which's gives the dwellers good possibility to decorate the rooms according to their own tastes.(另外,生活區(qū)被飾以淺色,這為居住者根據(jù)自己的愛好來裝飾房間提供了很好的可能性。)
  • 8、The more privateliving quarters serve two functions thanks in part to well-designed convertible furniture.(更私密性的起居空間具有兩個功能,一定程度上取決于精心設計的可轉換式家具。)
  • 9、They were also theliving quarters for the empresses and concubines.(那里也是皇后和皇妃的寢宮。)
  • 10、The station divides into two masses: a vaulted apparatus bay clad with metal and low-lyingliving quarters wrapped in wood.(消防站分為兩個體塊:覆有金屬的拱形設施和覆有橫向木板的生活區(qū)。)
  • 11、Keep away fromliving quarters.(遠離生活區(qū)。)
  • 12、It was painted white, had doors and Windows framed in sandstone, and could have been a barn or a shed or servants'living quarters.(小房子被漆成白色,門窗鑲嵌在砂巖里,過去可能是個馬廄,庫房,或者是仆人住房。)
  • 13、We were moved to more comfortableliving quarters.(我們搬進了較舒適的住處。)
  • 14、Refuse bags of refuse bins inliving quarters shall be timely replaced. Refuse bins shall be timely cleaned and covered.(生活區(qū)垃圾箱必須及時更換垃圾袋,及時清運、及時上蓋。)
  • 15、Theliving quarters for the workers are within walking distance of the factory.(工人住宅區(qū)離工廠很近,步行可以走到。)
  • 16、Reader Cody recently e-mailed us asking if we had any advice to share on how to handle life in these tightliving quarters.(一位叫Cody的讀者最近給我們發(fā)來了一封電子郵件,垂詢我們對如何在這些逼仄的地方過活有什么建議。)
  • 17、Not all the comforts of home are to be found in ourliving quarters, but a great deal more are present than exist on deck.(雖然生活艙里不像家里那樣應有盡有,但總比在甲板上要好許多。)
  • 18、Close all openings on the upper deck, forecastle, side ports, and around theliving quarters.(關閉所有上層甲板、船頭、邊艙和生活區(qū)四周的門窗。)
  • 19、Work hard on improving yourliving quarters.(努力改善你的居住環(huán)境。)
  • 20、The facility containsliving quarters, a gym and sauna.(火星500實驗的設施內有宿舍、健身房和桑拿屋。)
  • 21、living quarters are located above, accessed by exterior staircases at either extremity of the long, narrow house.(居住部分位于上層,可通過長窄住宅一端的外部樓梯進入。)
  • 22、Two hours later, he heard weeping from the emperor'sliving quarters and shouts of the emperor is dead.(兩個小時候,他就聽到皇上寢宮方向傳來哭泣聲和皇上駕崩的叫喊聲。)
  • 23、Theliving quarters have stairs running up the outside walls and the company has begun covering them with nets to prevent people from jumping.(住房外面有樓梯,公司已經開始用網罩蓋住樓梯,以防止工人跳樓。) hAo86.com
  • 24、David Martines describes the "structure" asliving quarters with red and blue stripes on it.(據(jù)馬丁內斯描述,該建筑是帶紅藍條相間的住所。)
  • 25、Who wouldn't want a job with a food salary and commodiousliving quarters?(誰會不要一個薪水高、住房寬敞的工作呢?)
  • 26、The spaciousliving quarters were on the second floor.(寬敞的起居間在二樓。)
  • 27、The cedar continues to the building interior, surrounding the primary gathering spaces of theliving quarters, blending inside with outside.(雪松繼續(xù)在建筑內部得到運用,環(huán)繞生活區(qū)的主要聚集空間,融合了室內、外空間。)
  • 28、The two blocks to the west provideliving quarters for the clients, including a Shared bedroom, a bathroom and a storage area.(西面的兩個體塊為客戶提供生活區(qū),包括一間共用的臥室、一間浴室和儲藏區(qū)。)

living quarters基本釋義

living quarters

