
lay aside造句

lay aside造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:13:00


lay aside造句

  • 1、lay aside your book and go to bed.(放下你的書本去睡吧。)
  • 2、She had managed tolay aside three dollars.(她已經(jīng)設(shè)法存了三美元。)
  • 3、My idea is tolay aside all the affairs right today.(我的觀點(diǎn)就是今天把所有的事情都放一下。) hao86.com
  • 4、Resistance tolay aside resistance of good luck, watermelon, thin and toughening shelf life long.(耐貯耐運(yùn)性好,瓜皮薄而韌,貨架期長。)
  • 5、And who wouldlay aside a sword that never lost?(然而,有誰會(huì)冷落一把從未失過手的寶劍?)
  • 6、Most Chinese people willlay aside money for a rainy day.(大多數(shù)中國人都會(huì)存錢以備不時(shí)之需。)
  • 7、Won't you go to Shanghai andlay aside the luggage here?(你不是要去上海而要把行李放在這里嗎?)
  • 8、This allowed Ms. Kelley tolay aside money to start her business.(這樣凱利女士就可以把錢存起來創(chuàng)業(yè)。)
  • 9、My parents live a simple life in order tolay aside enough money for my higher education.(為了積蓄足夠多的錢供我上大學(xué),我的父母生活非常節(jié)儉。)
  • 10、It is the time welay aside old prejudices.(是撇開舊偏見的時(shí)候了。)
  • 11、Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the piece of meat I gave you, the one I told you tolay aside."(撒母耳對廚役說:"我交給你收存的那一分祭肉現(xiàn)在可以拿來。")
  • 12、Detach power steering reservoir from fan shroud andlay aside.(將動(dòng)力轉(zhuǎn)向儲(chǔ)液罐同風(fēng)扇罩分開并放至一邊。)
  • 13、After use, should be timely are washing, cannot leavelay aside, lest because of dry ink cracked and dry winter noodles loss.(硯使用后,應(yīng)及時(shí)洗滌,不能留存蓄墨,以免因墨干燥龜裂而燥損硯面。)
  • 14、So-called warrior, but islay aside the whole combats outside of mind, there is also no scheming, don't divide life and death, the Shi doesn't give up.(所謂戰(zhàn)士,卻是拋開一切戰(zhàn)斗以外的念頭,也沒有什么陰謀詭計(jì),不分生死,誓不罷休。)
  • 15、Welay aside our usual inhibitions and join them in the fun.(我們拋棄了平常的禁忌,同他們一起玩耍起來。)
  • 16、Parents can alsolay aside some old traditions, free their children and try to reduce their economic pressure.(因此,父母大可拋開傳統(tǒng)思想,給予下一代更多的自由,減輕他們的經(jīng)濟(jì)壓力。)
  • 17、lay aside those bad habits. They are harmful.(丟開那些壞習(xí)慣,它們是有害的。)
  • 18、Young fellowslay aside their school work and give themselves up to merriment and joy.(青年們,他們在學(xué)校的放下工作給自己歡樂與欣忭。)
  • 19、I ain't understand, have been the affair that doesn't understand tolay aside not to think at me so much.(我想不明白,好在我向來是想不明白的事情就拋開不想。)
  • 20、When youlay aside the book you dislike, none will ever feel hurt or disappointed.(不耐看的書,又可隨手拋下,誰也不會(huì)因此而傷心失望。)
  • 21、But, why to have so much person browser of download red fox and itslay aside and neglect?(但是,為什么有那么多人下載火狐瀏覽器并且將其束之高閣呢?)
  • 22、After defraying all the expenses, they were able tolay aside fifteen yuan each month.(在支付所有的開支以后,他們每月能積蓄十五元。)
  • 23、You ought tolay aside some money for future use.(你應(yīng)該為將來積蓄些錢。)
  • 24、Resemble Mr Zhang the person of such will traditional paper bookslay aside and neglect, not be the special case of nowadays actually.(像張先生這樣將傳統(tǒng)的紙質(zhì)圖書束之高閣的人,其實(shí)并不是時(shí)下的特例。)

lay aside基本釋義

lay aside

英 [lei ??said] 美 [le ??sa?d] 
把 ... 擱置一旁; 留存; 儲(chǔ)存