
junior high school造句

junior high school造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:55


junior high school造句

  • 1、Starting a new job can make us feel like we've gone back in time to our first day ofjunior high school.(開始新工作會(huì)讓我們感到仿佛又回到了初一開學(xué)第一天。)
  • 2、Mark Zuckerberg's first Website was one he created on Geocities when still injunior high school.(當(dāng)時(shí)還在初中的馬克·扎克伯格的第一個(gè)網(wǎng)站是在Geocities建立的。)
  • 3、We are at the message board of an evacuation centre, which until March 11th had been the localjunior high school.(當(dāng)時(shí)我們正站在疏散中心的一塊信息板前。疏散中心在震前是當(dāng)?shù)氐某踔小?
  • 4、Over the long term, the bigger problem is that education beyondjunior high school is financially out of reach to many families.(從長(zhǎng)期來(lái)看,更嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題是初中以上的教育成本對(duì)于很多家庭來(lái)說(shuō)是難以承受的。)
  • 5、But continuing atjunior high school in Shanghai would have created insurmountable problems for Guangyao later in life.(但在上海繼續(xù)讀初中會(huì)給光耀日后的生活帶來(lái)難以克服的困難。)
  • 6、Injunior high school, my parents asked me a question.(在中學(xué)的時(shí)候,父母問(wèn)我一個(gè)問(wèn)題。)
  • 7、A few days ago, I received a photo of myjunior high school classmates, and half of my 52 classmates have already passed away.(前些天,我收到一張我初中同學(xué)的照片,我初中同班的52個(gè)同學(xué)中竟有一半已經(jīng)離開了這個(gè)世界。)
  • 8、Classes stopped when thejunior high school was hit by the March 11 tsunami.(3月11日被海嘯襲擊后,學(xué)校的課程中斷了。)
  • 9、Working with the staff at st Brigid Elementaryjunior high school, she formed a homework committee.(她和圣布里吉德小學(xué)初中高中的工作人員一起努力,組成了家庭作業(yè)委員會(huì)。)
  • 10、He dropped out ofjunior high school.(他初中輟學(xué)了。)
  • 11、But when I enteredjunior high school and had the military training.(后來(lái),我升初中的時(shí)候,參加了軍訓(xùn)。)
  • 12、Are you still teaching at thejunior high school?(你還在初中教書嗎?)
  • 13、Afterjunior high school he went to a trade school where he learned to be an auto mechanic.(初中畢業(yè)以后,他上了中等技術(shù)學(xué)校,在那里他學(xué)成為一名汽車修理工。)
  • 14、In Le Mans, ajunior high school was burned to a cinder.(勒芒的一所初中被燒成灰燼。)
  • 15、They have been classmates sincejunior high school.(自從國(guó)中起他們一直是同班同學(xué)。)
  • 16、Last year, they sent him back to the village to attendjunior high school, and he moved into the foster home.(去年,他被父母送回老家上初中,他也就搬到了托管中心。)
  • 17、I have never got proxime accessit since I got first place when I studied injunior high school.(讀初中時(shí),因?yàn)槲乙恢蹦玫谝幻?,所以沒拿過(guò)第二名。)
  • 18、junior high school live far away from home, about an hour's drive.(初中,學(xué)校離家住得遠(yuǎn),大約有一個(gè)鐘頭的車程。)
  • 19、The only time she ever rebelled, Adele recalls, was when she was injunior high school.(阿黛爾回憶說(shuō),她唯一一次叛逆發(fā)生在中學(xué)時(shí)期。)
  • 20、My first dream shaped when I was atjunior high school.(我的第一個(gè)夢(mèng)想塑造了我在初中的時(shí)候。)
  • 21、Although several said they had high school degrees, Honda requires onlyjunior high school educations.(僅寥寥數(shù)人進(jìn)過(guò)高中,本田招聘條件,初中以上即可。)
  • 22、Remember when you had to write a "research paper" injunior high school and your teacher made you create an outline first?(請(qǐng)回想一下,您在高等學(xué)校撰寫“研究論文”時(shí),您的導(dǎo)師是否讓您先擬定大綱?)
  • 23、To prove my guess, and I find ajunior high school students biology teacher.(為了證明我的猜想,我和一名初中同學(xué)找到生物老師。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 24、Afterwards, I continued on in the Lakota school district through myjunior high school years.(后來(lái),我是在拉科達(dá)學(xué)區(qū)的中學(xué)讀的七年級(jí)和八年級(jí)。)
  • 25、Finally, we havejunior high school graduate.(終于,我們都初中畢業(yè)了。)
  • 26、Does your son study at ajunior high school or a senior high school?(你兒子是讀初中還是高中?)

junior high school基本釋義

junior high school

英 [?d?u:nj? hai sku:l] 美 [?d?unj? ha? skul] 
