
give birth造句

give birth造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:16


give birth造句

  • 1、The lizards most likely to have social groupsgive birth to young rather than lay eggs.(大多數(shù)的夜蜥科蜥蜴喜歡把自己的后代放置于一定的社會團(tuán)體里而不會生下蛋后就不見蹤影。)
  • 2、give birth to your money.(讓錢生錢。)
  • 3、Pregnant women are able to exert a degree of control over when theygive birth, according to a study.(根據(jù)一項(xiàng)研究表明,孕婦可以在某種程度上控制其哪一天生小孩。)
  • 4、This, in turn, can alsogive birth to many other wealth-generating projects.(這最終也會帶來很多其它生財(cái)項(xiàng)目。)
  • 5、You can speak up andgive birth to your idea too.(你也可以站起來,讓你的想法出生。)
  • 6、Some couples are willing togive birth to a second child.(有些夫婦愿意生二胎。)
  • 7、Most parentsgive birth to their own children.(大多數(shù)父母生育他們自己的孩子。)
  • 8、The medical team told us that my wife wouldgive birth naturally, " said Marwan, the woman's husband.(而且醫(yī)療小組告訴我們我的妻子可以自然生產(chǎn)。”這位婦女的丈夫馬爾萬說。)
  • 9、I know that I can love, raise a family andgive birth to a healthy baby.(我知道我可以去愛,養(yǎng)家糊口并生出一名健康的嬰兒。)
  • 10、Almost 800,000 women a yeargive birth in the UK.(在英國每年有幾乎800000女性要生孩子。)
  • 11、But these doctors are quietly confident that Derya willgive birth to a healthy baby.(但這些醫(yī)生們對德亞能生出一個健康寶寶頗有信心。)
  • 12、About 16 million girls aged 15 to 19give birth every year.(每年約有1600萬15到19歲女孩生育。)
  • 13、Where womengive birth is a contentious issue across the rich world?(在富裕國家,婦女應(yīng)該在哪里分娩一直存在著爭議?)
  • 14、Oxytocin is also released in women when theygive birth and when they breast feed their babies.(女人在生產(chǎn)和哺乳時同樣也分泌催產(chǎn)素。)
  • 15、There are countries in Africa where people live close to health facilities but theygive birth at home.(在非洲一些國家,人們住在離衛(wèi)生機(jī)構(gòu)很近的地方,但卻在家里生孩子。)
  • 16、When our mother gave birth to us, she never expected that we willgive birth to her.(我們的媽媽給予我們生命,決沒有期望我們也給予她生命。)
  • 17、The actual result of your actiongive birth to confidence.(你行動的實(shí)際結(jié)果會產(chǎn)生出信心。)
  • 18、The Chillinghams cangive birth all year, not just spring and summer like most U. K. mammals.(奇靈厄姆牛在一年中都可以生育,而不像其他英國的哺乳動物那樣只在春季和夏季繁育。)
  • 19、Ms Rojas, who didgive birth in captivity, has called the charge "lies and spite".(羅哈斯女士確實(shí)在綁架期間生了一個孩子,她稱這項(xiàng)指控是“謊言和惡意的攻擊”。)
  • 20、Even more bizarre, a woman conceived from a split embryo couldgive birth to her own twin.(更奇怪的是,一個從分裂胚胎中受孕的婦女可以生下自己的雙胞胎。)
  • 21、All this has helpedgive birth to a number of location-based start-ups.(所有這些條件都促使許多從定位服務(wù)啟動的網(wǎng)站的產(chǎn)生。)
  • 22、She stood a moment and regarded him, waiting for him togive birth to the reason.(她在那里站著打量了艾里克一會兒,等著他說出原因。)
  • 23、Y: Don, you sure are lucky don’t have togive birth.(唐,你很幸運(yùn)不用生孩子。)
  • 24、Most Chinese women nowgive birth in hospital, but the poorest rural region is still lagging behind.(大多數(shù)中國產(chǎn)婦都能接受到住院分娩服務(wù),然而最貧困的農(nóng)村地區(qū)仍然滯后。)
  • 25、So, over the fierce objections of his mentor Hofmann, he left college togive birth to the modern chemical industry.(于是,不顧他的導(dǎo)師霍夫曼的強(qiáng)烈反對,他離開了大學(xué),創(chuàng)立了現(xiàn)代化學(xué)工業(yè)。)
  • 26、A sand tiger shark off the Bonin Islands will soongive birth.(小笠原群島外,一只虎頭鯊即將產(chǎn)仔。)
  • 27、Savage, 40, is due togive birth to a boy within the next two weeks via cesarean section.(薩維奇,40歲,將會在兩周內(nèi)通過剖腹產(chǎn)分娩生下一個男孩。)

give birth基本釋義