
go by the name of造句

go by the name of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:18


go by the name of造句

  • 1、This enables a quick redirection of the workload if the VIP becomes an issue by changing the CNAME to go directly to a host's fully qualified domain name.(這使得當VIP出現(xiàn)問題的時候,通過改變CNAME直接去到主機完全合格的域名那里,工作負載就能被快速重定向。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、The importance of tackling such problems, which go by the ugly name of “capital shallowing”, was discounted in the 1980s but has recently made a comeback.(解決諸如此類問題(有個不好聽的名字:資本淺化)的重要性在80年代人們不以為然,但現(xiàn)在又得到重視起來。)
  • 3、I think the name "Bollywood" is slowly going to go out of style because it's come to denote a special kind of kitsch Hindi cinema. 1think that's slowly being replaced by a more gritty realism.(我想“寶萊塢”這個名稱漸漸地過時了,因為它已變成意指一種特殊的庸俗印度電影。我想那正漸漸被更寫實的現(xiàn)實主義風格所取代。)
  • 4、The method of fault geometrical parameter that to bring about tectonic deformation through known deformation characteristic isgo by the name of structure inversion.(構造反演(反問題)是指利用地層變形形態(tài)反推使之變形的斷層的幾何參數(shù);)
  • 5、"Not go fleeing from the room in fright!" added the third monster, a scoundrel by the name of Atkinson.(“別嚇得從屋里跑出來!”第三個怪物,名叫阿特金森的無賴補充說。)
  • 6、Whatever name they go by, this is someone who understands the process of incorporating a skill to the point of making it a habit.(他們懂得將技能變成習慣的過程。)
  • 7、Maybe there is no chance for me to go abroad in the name of the delegation of our school, but I believe that if I work hard, I can go abroad by myself one day.(或許沒有機會再以學校訪問團的形式去到國外,但是我相信如果足夠努力,總有一天,會能夠再次出去。)
  • 8、Tyndale was helped, by Londoners with more worldly wisdom than himself, to go to Germany under a false name, with his half-completed rendering of the New Testament tucked deep inside his trunk.(在比他圓通世故的倫敦人幫助下,廷代爾把譯完一半的新約藏進箱子底層,化名逃到德國。)

go by the name of基本釋義

go by the name of

英 [ɡ?u bai e? neim ?v] 美 [ɡo ba? ei nem ?v] 
