
go camping造句

go camping造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:18


go camping造句

  • 1、We maygo camping this Saturday.(本周六我們可以去露營。)
  • 2、They decide togo camping tomorrow.(他們決定明天去露營。)
  • 3、Let'sgo camping next to the water!(讓我們?nèi)ニ吢稜I吧!)
  • 4、When wego camping, I hike in the woods.(當(dāng)我們?nèi)ヒ盃I的時(shí)候,我在樹林里步行。)
  • 5、Relax Under The Shade Tree Orgo camping.(到樹蔭下休息或者去露營。)
  • 6、We willgo camping next month.(我們下個(gè)月要去露營。)
  • 7、Theygo camping in France every year.(他們每年去法國野營。)
  • 8、If yougo camping, you sleep in tent.(人們?nèi)ヒ盃I的時(shí)候睡在帳篷里。)
  • 9、Shall wego camping next year?(明年我們?nèi)ヒ盃I好嗎?) hao86.com
  • 10、It's not safe togo camping by yourself.(你一個(gè)人去露營不安全。)
  • 11、We cango camping, too.(我們可以去野營了。)
  • 12、Shall wego camping next weekend?(下周末我們?nèi)ニ逘I好嗎?)
  • 13、She willgo camping in the jungle.(她會(huì)去叢林中野營。)
  • 14、Most of themgo camping today.(他們中的大部分人今天去露營。)
  • 15、We would like togo camping this summer.(我們打算今年夏天去野營。)
  • 16、Shall wego camping next summer together?(明年夏天我們?nèi)ハ牧顮I好嗎?)
  • 17、Next time yougo camping, take some precaution, say wearing long sleeves.(下次你去露營的時(shí)候,采取一些預(yù)防措施,比如說穿長袖。)
  • 18、It was a fine day Sherlock Holmes invited his best friend Doctor Watson togo camping with him.(那天天氣很好,夏洛克·福爾摩斯邀請他最好的朋友華生醫(yī)生和他一起去露營。)
  • 19、Do yougo camping ?(你去野營度假嗎?)
  • 20、We cango camping but we have to stay in.(我們可以去野營但是必須呆在帳篷里。)
  • 21、It will be fun togo camping.(去露營會(huì)很好玩。)
  • 22、I'd like togo camping with you this weekend, but I don't have a sleeping bag.(這個(gè)周末我想和你去露營,但是我沒有睡袋。)
  • 23、And I chose togo camping.(還有我選擇去野營。)
  • 24、So, can Igo camping?(所以,我能去野營嗎?)
  • 25、A young couple decided togo camping in the mountains to celebrate their first year of marriage.(一對(duì)年輕夫婦決定去山里露營,慶祝他們結(jié)婚一周年。)
  • 26、Theygo camping every summer.(他們每年夏天去露營。)
  • 27、She used togo camping.(她過去常去露營。)
  • 28、When Igo camping, we stay in a tent.(當(dāng)我去野營的時(shí)候,我們呆在帳篷里。)
  • 29、I wanted togo camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.(我想去野營,但這個(gè)想法很快遭到了其他人的反對(duì)。)

go camping基本釋義

go camping

[ɡ?u ?k?mpi?] 
