
gem topaz造句

gem topaz造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:13


gem topaz造句

  • 1、The Sanjiang area is rich in resources of gem jade stones, such as aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz, rock cristal , almandine, rose quartz, white marble, etc.(三江地區(qū)寶玉石資源主要有海藍(lán)寶石、碧璽、黃玉、水晶、紫牙烏、芙蓉石、漢白玉等。)
  • 2、Topaz is a precious gem, although it is not as glittering as diamond, or as mysterious as emerald, but it is loved for its simple appearance and soft luster.(托帕石是一種珍貴的寶石,它雖沒有鉆石的光芒四射,也沒有祖母綠的神秘。然而它卻以樸素的外表和柔和的光澤受人喜愛。)
  • 3、To me Topaz is my birthstone as well as my lucky stone. I love it not only because it is my destined gem that brings me joy, but also because its enchanting charm.(對(duì)于我來說,拖帕石既是我的生辰石也是我的幸運(yùn)石,我喜歡它,不僅因?yàn)樗俏颐凶⒍ǖ膶毷瑤Ыo我快樂,更是由于它散發(fā)出來的迷人魅力。) Hao86.com

gem topaz基本釋義