
geomagnetic field造句

geomagnetic field造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:14


geomagnetic field造句

  • 1、The first is the creation of new magnetic fields from the ambientgeomagnetic field.(第一個(gè)過程是在周圍地磁場(chǎng)的基礎(chǔ)上產(chǎn)生新磁場(chǎng)。)
  • 2、Thegeomagnetic field varies continuously.(地磁場(chǎng)不斷地發(fā)生變化。)
  • 3、The method of regionalgeomagnetic field modeling is adopted in order to prepare for the reference map of geomagnetism-aided navigation and positioning.(針對(duì)性對(duì)地磁輔助導(dǎo)航定位中基準(zhǔn)圖制備的需要,采用了建立區(qū)域地磁場(chǎng)模型的方法。)
  • 4、There are many methods to measurement the flying attitude, such as solar attitude angle sensor, high-speed photography andgeomagnetic field sensor.(飛行體的姿態(tài)測(cè)試方法有許多種,如太陽方位角傳感器遙測(cè)、高速攝影法、地磁傳感器等。)
  • 5、The daily variation in properties of the Earth, such as the temperature or the localgeomagnetic field, or the daily change in sunlight.(地球各種特征每天的變化,如溫度、局部地磁場(chǎng)每天的變化、以及陽光每天的變化。)
  • 6、Low carbon steel samples were tested under static tension conditions in quest of physical mechanism ingeomagnetic field.(為探索磁記憶現(xiàn)象的物理機(jī)制,在地磁場(chǎng)環(huán)境中,靜載拉伸低碳鋼板狀試件。)
  • 7、In a infinite and empty space thegeomagnetic field falls off in strength with the third power of distance.(在無限和真空的空間中,地磁場(chǎng)在強(qiáng)度上隨距離3次方而衰減。)
  • 8、Formation cause ofgeomagnetic field is one of the important difficult problems of geophysics.(地磁埸的成因是地球物理學(xué)的重大理論難題之一。)
  • 9、For instance thegeomagnetic field, the heat flow, the propagation of seismic waves, the force of gravity, etc.(例如,應(yīng)用地球物理勘探,可以了解諸如地磁場(chǎng)、熱流、地震波的傳播和重力等地球物理性質(zhì)。)
  • 10、Weak magnetic signal changes and metal magnetic memory effects of steel tensile samples under the excitation ofgeomagnetic field were studied.(研究地磁場(chǎng)環(huán)境中鋼試件在動(dòng)拉伸載荷作用下表面弱磁信號(hào)的變化以及磁記憶效應(yīng)。)
  • 11、The content of dreams can be influenced by external factors such as scents, or even the Earth'sgeomagnetic field, but there seem to be some reoccurring themes.(夢(mèng)的內(nèi)容可以受外界因素的影響,諸如氣味,甚至?xí)艿降厍虻牡卮艌?chǎng)的影響等,然而,夢(mèng)里似乎存在著一些是重復(fù)發(fā)生的情節(jié)。) haO86.com
  • 12、The main error sources in thegeomagnetic field model were introduced, too.(介紹了地磁場(chǎng)模型誤差的主要來源。)
  • 13、The chaotic behavior of the system can be used to simulate the reversals of thegeomagnetic field.(并指出系統(tǒng)的混沌特性可以用來模擬地磁場(chǎng)的反轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 14、It diffused northeastward, which was caused by the upper air winds andgeomagnetic field.(受地球重力場(chǎng)和高空風(fēng)場(chǎng)的影響,該不均勻體向東北方向擴(kuò)散。)
  • 15、The magnetic leakage field distribution above linear defects of a tube sample under thegeomagnetic field was modeled according to magnetic dipole theory.(利用磁偶極子理論,建立穩(wěn)恒微弱地磁場(chǎng)作用下管類試件線狀缺陷段產(chǎn)生的漏磁場(chǎng)模型。)
  • 16、The scientist revealed that thegeomagnetic field surrounding the planet was one of the primary influences of the entire biosphere.(科學(xué)家揭露,圍繞地球的地磁場(chǎng)是整個(gè)生物圈的主要影響之一。)
  • 17、The results show that the subway of the city has significant influence for the observation environments ofgeomagnetic field.(結(jié)果顯示,城市地鐵交通對(duì)其周圍的地磁觀測(cè)環(huán)境具有較大的影響。)
  • 18、The electric field can transfer to F2 region along thegeomagnetic field line and by means of the fountain effect it can results in the PSO of the equatorial anomaly.(電場(chǎng)沿磁力線傳到F_2層,通過“噴泉效應(yīng)”引起電離層赤道異常的行星波振蕩。)
  • 19、The measurement of horizontal component of thegeomagnetic field occupies the important position in a lot of fields.(地磁場(chǎng)水平分量的測(cè)量在很多領(lǐng)域占重要地位。)
  • 20、The naturalgeomagnetic field varies over the Earth’s surface between about 0.035 - 0.07 mT and is perceived by certain animals that use it for orientation.(地球表面的天然地磁場(chǎng)幅度在0.035-0.07mT之間不等,它可被某些動(dòng)物察覺,用其指導(dǎo)方向。)
  • 21、One important finding was that most of thegeomagnetic field originates at only four broad regions on the core-mantle boundary.(重要的發(fā)現(xiàn)之一,是地球的大部份磁場(chǎng)僅來自地核–函交界面上的四個(gè)廣大區(qū)域。)
  • 22、Geophysical field - Domains or Spaces contain certain geophysical effect, such as gravitational field,geomagnetic field, geothermal field etc.(指具有一定地球物理效應(yīng)的區(qū)域或空間。如地球內(nèi)外存在的重力場(chǎng)、地磁場(chǎng)、地電場(chǎng)、地?zé)釄?chǎng)、地應(yīng)力場(chǎng)等。)
  • 23、There existed tendency anomalies in the basicgeomagnetic field before these earthquakes.(震前地球基本磁場(chǎng)出現(xiàn)了趨勢(shì)性異常。)
  • 24、Since thegeomagnetic field varies periodically on orbit, the dynamics of satellite is a linear periodic system.(由于地磁場(chǎng)的方向在軌道上周期變化,衛(wèi)星的姿態(tài)動(dòng)力學(xué)方程是一個(gè)線性周期系統(tǒng)。)

geomagnetic field基本釋義

geomagnetic field

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