how far造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:36


how far造句

  • 1、The sounds make the user knowhow far he is from the object.(這些聲音可以讓用戶知道他離物體有多遠。)
  • 2、On a windy day, he measuredhow far he could jump with the wind at his back.(在一個刮風的日子里,他測量了自己在風吹著的情況下能跳多遠。)
  • 3、how far does other research support these conclusions?(其他研究能在多大程度上支持這些結論?)
  • 4、how far gone are you?(你懷孕幾個月了?)
  • 5、how far is this Field of Wonders?(這片神奇的土地有多遠?)
  • 6、how far is it to your house from here?(從這兒到你家有多遠?)
  • 7、It's up to youhow far you go.(走多遠由你自己決定。)
  • 8、Think ofhow far we have come in a little time.(想一想我們在短時間內已經有了多么大的進展。)
  • 9、Parallel lines will never meet no matterhow far extended.(相平行的線不管延伸多長,永遠都不會相交。)
  • 10、how far does he live from the bus station?(他住的地方離車站多遠?)
  • 11、how far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?(這部電影對巴恩斯·沃利斯的講述有多大程度的真實性?)
  • 12、how far is human nature determined by biology?(人性在多大程度上是由其生理因素決定的?)
  • 13、how far is it from the Summer Palace?(這到頤和園有多遠?)
  • 14、What matters ishow far we go?(我們走多遠有什么關系?)
  • 15、how far can you run without stopping?(一直不停下來的話你能跑多遠?)
  • 16、I should like to knowhow far it extends, and what there is outside!(我倒想知道它究竟延伸到什么地方,外面有什么東西!)
  • 17、how far can we trust him?(我們能夠信任他到什么程度?)
  • 18、how far is it from here?(離這兒有多遠?)
  • 19、how far do they live apart?(他們住得有多遠?)
  • 20、how far is Pawtucket from Providence?(波塔基特離普羅維登斯有多遠?)
  • 21、It's still not clearhow far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans.(現(xiàn)在還不清楚俄羅斯議會在實施其計劃方面會極端到何種程度。)
  • 22、how far is it to Malcy?(這里到馬爾錫有多遠?)
  • 23、how far back can you trace your family tree?(你的家譜可以追溯到多少代?)
  • 24、how far is it from here to the shore?(從這里到海岸有多遠?)
  • 25、how far have you got with that report?(你那個報告寫得怎么樣了?)
  • 26、how far can wolves travel?(狼能走多遠?)
  • 27、Navigation is good and there's a display to showhow far you've drilled down.(導航很好,可以顯示你正在看哪一級信息。)
  • 28、how far can you throw it?(你能扔多遠?)
  • 29、I've forgottenhow far I've read in this book.(這本書我忘了看到哪里了。)

how far基本釋義

how far

英 [hau fɑ:] 美 [ha? fɑr] 
離 ... 多遠; 到什么程度