
have something done造句

have something done造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:29


have something done造句

  • 1、The man must have done something right, more right than all jumpers before.(這個人一定是做了些很對的事,比所有以前跳高的做得更對。)
  • 2、And though you could have done something about it, you haven't.(盡管你本可以做一些事情,但是你卻沒有。)
  • 3、“I do something for my people and my country,” I said. “You are young and active. What have you done for your people and your country?”(“我為自己的人民和國家做了一點事”,我說,“你們年輕有活力,你們?yōu)槿嗣窈蛧易隽耸裁茨亍保?
  • 4、He must have done something right, however.(然而,他也肯定做過一些正確的事。)
  • 5、You must have done something to her.(你一定有跟她做什么事。)
  • 6、It's something that not many people can do and you should be very proud of what you have done.(并不是很多人都能干這行,你們應該為自己取得的成績感到驕傲。)
  • 7、I believe someone did something to me that they shouldn't have done.(我相信有人對我做了不該做的事情。)
  • 8、I have done something I can never forgive myself for.(我做了我自己不可原諒自己的事情。)
  • 9、China must have done something supremely right to produce the economic miracle we observe.(中國一定是做了非常對的事才產生了我們見到的經濟奇跡。)
  • 10、If they have never done something before, they are eager to test the waters.(如果他們以前從未做過某事,他們會急于試水。)
  • 11、Have you ever been in a situation where you have done something just to make someone else HAPPY.(你有沒有做某事只是為了取悅他人的經歷。)
  • 12、Have you ever done something in the heat of the moment, and regret it later?(你有沒有過曾一時興起開始做某事,不久又沒了熱情?)
  • 13、At least you'll have done something useful that day.(至少你在那天做了很有意義的事。)
  • 14、The important thing is tohave something done right away.(最重要的是真正做了一些工作,真正的有進展。)
  • 15、Why Apple may have done this is something that was not explained.(為什么蘋果可能已經做了一些事情,而沒有進行解釋。)
  • 16、He said I must have done something bad to deserve it.(他說我肯定是罪有應得。)
  • 17、Thus, we have done something to alleviate the token trust scalability issue.(因此,我們通過這些方式緩解了令牌信任可伸縮性問題。)
  • 18、They may teach you something you have never done.(他們可能教你做一些你過去從未做過的事情。)
  • 19、Researchers have found that something similar can be done with biological materials.(研究發(fā)現類似的技術也可以用在生物的組織上。)
  • 20、They ought to have done something and they haven't.(他們事前應該做一些事情而他們卻沒有。)
  • 21、People remember people who have done something for them.(人們通常都會記住那些幫助過他們的人。)
  • 22、Something ought to have been done before now.(先前就該采取措施了。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 23、And they have done something big.(他們也的確做成了件大事。)
  • 24、First, think of something that you do or have done "in the heat of the moment", and keep it in mind while we go through this material.(首先,想一件你在萬不得已的情況下要做或已經做過的事,了解過程中在腦子時一直想著這件事。)
  • 25、I certainly don't think this is something that only we could have done.(我當然不認為這事只有我們才可能做得了的。)

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