
have school造句

have school造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:29


have school造句

  • 1、Have you come to register at the school?(你到學(xué)校來注冊過了嗎?)
  • 2、It was a great convenience to have the school so near.(學(xué)校這么近真是太方便了。)
  • 3、"Do you have any qualifications?"—"Yes, I'm certified to teach high school."(“你有資格嗎?”—“有,我有資格教高中。”)
  • 4、School lunches are getting healthier, but they still have a long way to go.(學(xué)校午餐越來越健康了,但還有許多待改進(jìn)之處。)
  • 5、Youhave school tomorrow.(你明天還要上學(xué)。)
  • 6、Teaching loads have increased in all types of school.(各種學(xué)校的教學(xué)工作量都增加了。)
  • 7、Many school have strict restrictions on students' clothes, which I think is unnecessary.(許多學(xué)校對于學(xué)生的穿著有著非常嚴(yán)格的限制,我認(rèn)為這是沒有必要的。)
  • 8、Of course, most coaches don't achieve Mr. Johnson's position until their late 40s or 50s; nor do theyhave school-age children.(當(dāng)然,大多數(shù)教練直到快50甚至60多歲時(shí)才達(dá)到Johnson先生的位置,所以他們不會有學(xué)齡的孩子。)
  • 9、I have my foundation, and I have my music school.(我有我的基金會,還有我的音樂學(xué)校。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、Because you have responsibilities now. Youhave school to go to. Work to keep up with. Friendships to maintain. Yeah, I've heard this before.(因?yàn)槟悻F(xiàn)在有責(zé)任了。你有書要念,有工作要跟進(jìn),有朋友要維系…是的,我以前聽過。)
  • 11、If he'd attended music school, how might things have been different?(如果他上的是音樂學(xué)校,一切會怎樣地不同呢?)
  • 12、He could only stay out till eleven, because Grace wouldhave school on Monday.(他只能在外面待到十一點(diǎn),因?yàn)楦窭姿剐瞧谝灰险n。)
  • 13、We have started a campaign for better nursery and school services.(我們已開展了一場運(yùn)動,以改善幼兒園和學(xué)校的服務(wù)。)
  • 14、Many people find it's best to quit on a Monday, when theyhave school or work to keep them busy.(許多人發(fā)現(xiàn)星期一戒煙最容易,因?yàn)樯习嗷蛘呱蠈W(xué)讓他們忙了起來。)
  • 15、Plans for a new school have been pigeonholed.(建新學(xué)校的計(jì)劃擱在一邊了。)
  • 16、However, everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library.(然而,每個(gè)人都同意擁有一個(gè)學(xué)校圖書館仍然很重要。)
  • 17、In Philadelphia and Portland, Oregon, plans are being drawn up for public schools that won't have any school buildings at all.(在費(fèi)城和俄勒岡州的波特蘭,一些正在擬定中的針對公立學(xué)校的規(guī)劃中,學(xué)校根本不會擁有任何學(xué)校建筑。)
  • 18、They have both served on the school board.(他們倆都曾在學(xué)校董事會任職。)
  • 19、Here, it is only on Saturdays that we have no school.(在這里,我們只有在星期六才不用上學(xué)。)
  • 20、You have dishonoured the name of the school.(你敗壞了學(xué)校的名聲。)
  • 21、By now more than 100 students in my school have joined us.(到現(xiàn)在為止,我們學(xué)校有100多名學(xué)生加入了我們的行列。)
  • 22、We have to build computers into the school curriculum.(我們必須計(jì)算機(jī)知識納入學(xué)校的課程。)
  • 23、Wehave school teams in basketball, football, and volleyball.(我們有籃球、足球和排球校隊(duì)。)
  • 24、She will have to go to school.(她將不得不去上學(xué)。)
  • 25、I have a ten-year-old in school.(我有個(gè)十歲的孩子在上學(xué)。)
  • 26、You have to do well academically to get into medical school.(你得學(xué)習(xí)成績優(yōu)良才能進(jìn)入醫(yī)學(xué)院。)
  • 27、Student pranksters have done considerable damage to the school buildings.(惡作劇的學(xué)生對學(xué)校的建筑造成相當(dāng)大的損壞。)
  • 28、Girls who have always been at a mixed school know how to stand up for themselves.(一直在男女混合學(xué)校上學(xué)的女孩子們知道如何自我保護(hù)。)
  • 29、We have to learn one of Hamlet's speeches for school tomorrow.(我們明天上學(xué)得背誦一段哈姆雷特的臺詞。)
  • 30、Here are safety tips from the NHTSA for drivers who travel through areas thathave school children present.(國家公路交通安全管理局NHTSA提示司機(jī)駕駛通過有學(xué)童的區(qū)域的技巧如下。)

have school基本釋義