
high kick造句

high kick造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:32


high kick造句

  • 1、And the rest you tolerate because your spouse or other high influence individual won't let you kick them out?(至于你還要忍受其他人是因?yàn)槟愕陌閭H或者其他對(duì)你影響非常大的人不允許你就這么把他們統(tǒng)統(tǒng)踹開了?) hAo86.com
  • 2、The transplanted material seemed to kick the stem cells to a high gear for self-renewal, essentially taking over the production of muscle cells.(移植的物質(zhì)似乎刺激了干細(xì)胞,使它更快速地自我修復(fù),基本取代了肌肉細(xì)胞的產(chǎn)生。)
  • 3、Among them high bars, a weight of institutions to suspension set to pull to increase the safety of spring, kick institutions and lie push frame agencies are bolts of hang dumbbell or stem of the bell.(其中高拉桿機(jī)構(gòu)拉懸掛的重物改設(shè)成拉彈簧以增加安全性,踢腿機(jī)構(gòu)和臥推架機(jī)構(gòu)都是栓掛啞鈴片或者是桿鈴片。)
  • 4、From a free kick on the edge of the area which Prinz both won and took, the ball rebounded high off the head of Fara Williams and looped out to Kerstin Stegemann.(通過普林茨贏得并開出的在禁區(qū)邊緣的一個(gè)任意球,球從威廉姆斯。菲呢上彈到克爾斯婷斯特·吉曼腳下。)
  • 5、Kick your memory power into high gear with savvy ways to boost your brain. Click through for 9 ways you can boost your memory power now.(用聰明的方法讓記憶力高速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)起來,提升你的腦力吧。下面引見9種促進(jìn)記憶力的方法。)
  • 6、On Thursday, Jan. 28, the White House announced the awarding of $8 billion in stimulus funding to kick-start high-speed-rail projects and improve service in 13 corridors across the country.(在1月28日星期四,白宮宣布刺激資金中的80億美元獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)將用在啟動(dòng)高鐵項(xiàng)目和提高全國范圍內(nèi)13個(gè)鐵路點(diǎn)的服務(wù)。)
  • 7、Some words of wisdom to soccer players this week who find themselves in the precarious position of needing to make a penalty kick: Shoot high and aim right.(本周如果有哪個(gè)球隊(duì)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己處境危險(xiǎn),需要用點(diǎn)球來彌補(bǔ),這里給他們一點(diǎn)忠告:踢高些,往右瞄。)
  • 8、One, kick ass in high school…so that i can get…two…a fatty scholarship. Three, limit my beer pong enough to keep said scholarship, which i did, and.(第一點(diǎn),要在高中里所向無敵…第二點(diǎn)豐厚獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金,第三點(diǎn),充分限制游樂時(shí)間以便能繼續(xù)獲得上述獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金,這個(gè)做到了,還有。)
  • 9、Spicy foods contain chemical compounds that kick the metabolism into high gear.(辣味食物含有一些化合物能促使機(jī)體代謝高速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 10、Korean children like tae kwon do. They can kick very high. You need to be strong and fast to do tae kwon do.(韓國的孩子們喜歡跆拳道。他們能踢得很高。你需要強(qiáng)壯并且(反應(yīng))靈敏去打跆拳道。)
  • 11、I know it seems stupid now and believe me I kick myself about it everyday but you should have seen the apartment afterwards — the tape was not a high priority.(我知道現(xiàn)在看起來很蠢,相信我,每一天我都后悔不迭,但是你本應(yīng)該看看后來我的公寓那磁帶并不要緊。)
  • 12、The weight lifting bed and kick institutions, lie push frame institutions and high levers of institutions.(該舉重床還有踢腿機(jī)構(gòu)、臥推架機(jī)構(gòu)以及高拉桿機(jī)構(gòu)。)
  • 13、Use this to your advantage and kick your morning routine into high gear.(利用這一點(diǎn),加快你上午要完成所有例行事務(wù)的速度。)
  • 14、If I see a bunch of sick people, maybe a big infection is around, and I better kick my immune system into high gear.(如果我看到一群病患,這里有可能有傳染病,那么我最好把自己的免疫系統(tǒng)再開高一個(gè)檔。)
  • 15、Low penetration as well as drilling incidents of high frequency resulted from problems caused by leakage, gas migration, collapsing sticking, well kick, blowout and so forth.(且常發(fā)生井漏、氣侵、坍塌性卡鉆、井涌與井噴等井下復(fù)雜問題,導(dǎo)致機(jī)械鉆速低與鉆井事故頻發(fā)。)
  • 16、That gives me a sense not leave too high over water I follow, but let my kick to push me overtop that ankle position and return that long line position self.(這給我一種感覺不要離開水面過高,而是踢腿推動(dòng)自己從蜷曲的體態(tài)伸展到流線型的體態(tài)。)
  • 17、Attempts overhead kicks-likes to attempt an overhead kick if back to goal and ball played high to him.(嘗試踢倒鉤球-如果背對(duì)球門并且處理高球,喜歡嘗試踢倒鉤球。)
  • 18、The rather alarming increase has forced us to kick off a high-level prevention plan.(這種驚人的增加速度迫使我們著手一項(xiàng)高級(jí)的預(yù)防措施。)
  • 19、Use the 30-day trial approach to kick-start your new habit. This method has a high success rate and can be adapted for virtually any habit you’d like to install.(花30天去開始你新習(xí)慣的旅程,這一方法成功率很高,并且適用于任何你打算養(yǎng)成的習(xí)慣。)
  • 20、Most of us don’t kick into high gear until something goes wrong.(我們中大多數(shù)人直到有些事錯(cuò)了才會(huì)做出大的調(diào)整。)
  • 21、And she danced round the room doing ahigh kick to the tune of her words.(她圍著房間跳舞,隨著話音做著大踢腿。)
  • 22、How high can you kick?(你的腳能踢多高?)
  • 23、It is concluded that the outside instep kick suits more the needs of high speed and intense antagonism in competitions, therefore some Suggestions are put forward to make the improvement of it.(分析認(rèn)為腳背外側(cè)踢球更適應(yīng)當(dāng)前高速度、強(qiáng)對(duì)抗的實(shí)踐需要,并提出改進(jìn)意見。)
  • 24、But when we kick 25s and 50s, we expect it to be very, very fast, very, veryhigh kick rate.(但在做25米或50米扶板打腿時(shí),我們期望看到快速、高頻的打腿。)

high kick基本釋義