
had better造句

had better造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:24


had better造句

  • 1、Youhad better break with your bad habits.(你最好改掉你的壞習(xí)慣。)
  • 2、When James realized how severe her illness was, she knew shehad better hurry up and live life.(當(dāng)詹姆斯意識到她的病情有多嚴(yán)重時,她知道她最好抓緊時間好好生活。)
  • 3、Youhad better get a doctor to pull out your bad tooth.(你最好去看醫(yī)生把你的壞牙給拔了。)
  • 4、As he could not find it immediately, he said: "I know you are there, so youhad better come out!"(因為他一時找不到,就說:“我知道你在那兒,你最好自己出來!”)
  • 5、"Oh, youhad better go tomorrow morning, doctor," Clara urged.(“哦,你最好明天早上去,醫(yī)生?!笨死叽俚馈?
  • 6、She thought youhad better get stronger before you had a governess.(她認(rèn)為最好等你長結(jié)實些,再請女家庭教師。)
  • 7、Ihad better take it off and eat it.(我最好把它拿下來吃了。)
  • 8、The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parentshad better act as a tutor, not a director.(獨(dú)立的品質(zhì)對我們來說是如此的不可或缺,父母最好是一個導(dǎo)師,而不是一個指導(dǎo)者。)
  • 9、Youhad better drive slowly and carefully.(你最好開慢點,小心點。)
  • 10、Hehad better go to bed.(他最好去睡覺。)
  • 11、The casinoshad better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak!(我的手氣顯然很好,那些賭場最好當(dāng)心!)
  • 12、Youhad better go to Singapore.(你最好去新加坡。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 13、"Wehad better have our lesson before we inspect it," said Miss Rottenmeier.(“我們最好先上一節(jié)課再打開它?!绷_特麥耶小姐說。)
  • 14、I wonder which of ushad better pack the luncheon-basket?(我在想我們誰把午餐籃子收拾一下比較好?)
  • 15、The masterhad better get you a governess, same as he said he would.(主人最好給你找個家庭教師,就像他說的那樣。)
  • 16、Youhad better travel to Nova Scotia tomorrow.(你最好明天去新斯科舍。)
  • 17、The vehiclehad better power, better tyres, and better brakes.(這種車輛有更好的動力、更好的輪胎和更好的剎車。)
  • 18、Wehad better take off our coats.(咱們最好把外套脫掉。)
  • 19、Youhad better give way or I shall get the people to back me.(你最好讓步,否則我會讓人們支持我。)
  • 20、I really think youhad better come and stop with me for a little time.(我真的認(rèn)為你最好來和我呆一會兒。)
  • 21、The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parentshad better act as a tutor, not a dictator.(獨(dú)立的品質(zhì)對我們來說是不可或缺的,所以父母最好是做一個家庭教師,而不是獨(dú)裁者。)
  • 22、He thought hehad better track this wolf and see where it lived.(他認(rèn)為他最好跟蹤這只狼,并看看它在哪兒生活。)
  • 23、They've got their way o' thinkin' and doin' things an' a bodyhad better not meddle.(它們有自己的想法和做事方式,人類最好不要干涉它們。)
  • 24、"So youhad better make it a round twenty years and be on the safe side," concluded the Clerk.(“所以你最好湊個整數(shù),二十年吧,這樣比較保險?!睍泦T總結(jié)道。)
  • 25、While I stared at her, speechless, she explained that as the local inn would close at midnight and Ihad better betake myself thither without further delay.(當(dāng)我盯著她,說不出話來的時候,她對我解釋說,當(dāng)?shù)氐穆灭^半夜就會關(guān)門,我最好即刻就向那趕去,不容拖延。)
  • 26、I will tell you who he is, and what is become of him, but youhad better hear the story in your own chamber.(我可以告訴你他是誰,他變成了什么樣子,但是你最好在你自己的房間里聽這個故事。)
  • 27、Youhad better draw a picture with these crayons.(你最好用這些蠟筆畫一幅畫。)
  • 28、If so, theyhad better get their skates on.(如果果真是這樣,那他們最好穿上旱冰鞋。)
  • 29、The next day there was still no ship in sight, so Dudley told Brooks to avert his gaze and he motioned to Stevens that the boy, Parker,had better be killed.(第二天,仍然看不見一條船,于是達(dá)德利叫布魯克斯把視線移開,并示意史蒂文斯,最好把那個叫帕克的男孩殺掉。)

had better基本釋義

had better

英 [h?d ?bet?] 美 [h?d ?b?t?] 
應(yīng)該; 最好; 還是 ... 好