
feed the fish造句

feed the fish造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:12:02


feed the fish造句

  • 1、People rowing to miluo river to salvage his body, in order not to let the fish eat his body, threw the package rice dumplings into the riverfeed the fish.(老百姓劃船到汨羅江打撈他的尸體,為了不讓魚兒吃他的身體,把包好的粽子扔到江里喂魚。)
  • 2、The rivers feed into the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska — cold, nutrient-rich waters which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusks.(這些河流匯入白令海和阿拉斯加灣這片寒冷而又營養(yǎng)豐富的水域,在這片水域里生活著數(shù)千萬只海鳥、400多種魚類、貝類、甲殼類和軟體動(dòng)物。)
  • 3、I see animals andfeed the fish.(我看了很多動(dòng)物,還去喂魚了。)
  • 4、We believe that you are enjoying the nature at the same time, can also do not smoke in the ditch, do not litter, do notfeed the fish for food, don't climb trees to pick flowers.(我們相信您在享受自然的同時(shí),也能做到不在溝內(nèi)吸煙、不亂丟垃圾、不投食喂魚、不攀樹摘花。)
  • 5、In fish in reservoirs, a cuttingfeed the fish every day.(在水塘里養(yǎng)魚,每天得割草喂魚。)
  • 6、It has around 25 meters, diameter of 9 meters, installed a total of around 900 million liters of irrigation water, which feed the 56 species of about 2600 fish.(它總共有25米高,內(nèi)徑9米,一共裝灌了大約900萬公升海水,里面喂養(yǎng)了56種大約2600條魚。)
  • 7、feed the fish in the lake.(喂湖里的魚。)
  • 8、We drove to a nearby pond, dad took and took fishing materials has been prepared from earthworm rod andfeed the fish.(我們開車來到附近的一個(gè)池塘?xí)r,爸爸就把已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好的釣魚材料拿了出來——魚桿和喂魚的蚯蚓。)
  • 9、Such forage fish already account for nearly a fifth of the world’s total annual catch; another fifth goes to feed pigs and poultry.(這樣的飼料魚已經(jīng)差不多占每年世界總捕魚量的五分之一;另有五分之一被用于喂豬和家禽。)
  • 10、Do notfeed the fish!(不要喂那些魚!)
  • 11、Fish pick at the urchins, which feed on bits of algae.(魚類吃海膽,海膽以小塊的藻類為食。)
  • 12、Huagangguanyu not only flowers, fish is more beautiful, also can go there to buy some feedfeed the fish.(花港觀魚不光只有花兒美,魚兒更美,還可以去那邊買一些與飼料喂喂這些可愛的魚。) hao86.com
  • 13、I wish I couldfeed the fish, he thought.(我希望可以飼養(yǎng)這些魚兒,他想著。)
  • 14、But the center said tests of fish from four farms that used the feed turned up satisfactory levels.(該中心表示,對使用這種飼料的四個(gè)養(yǎng)魚場進(jìn)行的檢測顯示,所有魚類樣本全部合格。)
  • 15、Offspring of these fish would likely behave like their parents and feed and live in the same area, keeping them separate from the original population.(這些魚的后代很可能會(huì)像它們的父母一樣,在同一地區(qū)捕食、生活,并與原來的種群分隔開來。)
  • 16、Let's suppose that a group of these fish had the genetic flexibility to discover and feed off another resource that was unused by the other fish.(我們假設(shè)這些魚中的其中一組具有遺傳的靈活性,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)并取食另一種未被其他魚利用的資源。)
  • 17、They rowed steadily to salvage qu yuan, with tears in their eyes, also threw rice dumplings into the riverfeed the fish, hope that the fish don't harm the body of qu yuan.(他們含著淚劃著船趕來打撈屈原,還把粽子扔到江里喂魚,希望魚兒不要傷害屈原的身體。)
  • 18、Let'sfeed the fish.(咱們來喂這條魚!)
  • 19、This underground pond, which figures in The Phantom of the Opera, is home to several plump fish: Opera employees feed them frozen mussels.(這個(gè)曾在歌劇《劇院魅影》中被描述過的水中住著一些胖魚,歌劇院的員工們用冷藏的貝殼喂養(yǎng)它們。)
  • 20、People know, and sent many ships to fishing him, but can not find, because we don't want his body to be eaten by the fish, so throw on the a lot of rice dumplings into the water tofeed the fish.(人們知道后,派了很多船只去撈他,但是都找不到,因?yàn)榇蠹也幌胨纳眢w被魚吃掉,所以呢,就扔了很多粽子到水里喂魚。)
  • 21、They go straight to the ocean surface, feed there, grow; some will descend deeper into the ocean where they will dodge jelly fish, sharks, blue whales and hope to survive.(他們直接進(jìn)入了海洋表層,捕食,生長。有些會(huì)在海里下沉更深些,而那里他們可以躲避水母,鯊魚,藍(lán)鯨,以此求生。)

feed the fish基本釋義
