
exocrine gland造句

exocrine gland造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:11:59


exocrine gland造句

  • 1、Fecal elastase-1 is a test which documentsexocrine gland function of pancreas by the content of elastase-1 in stool, a simpler one compared to other indirect exocrine pancreatic function tests.(糞彈性蛋白酶試驗(yàn)是通過檢測(cè)糞便中彈性蛋白酶-1的含量來反映胰腺外分泌情況的一項(xiàng)檢查,是間接胰腺外分泌試驗(yàn)中較為簡(jiǎn)便的一種。)
  • 2、Saliva is secreted from theexocrine gland.(唾液是由外分泌腺分泌出來的。)
  • 3、Results: After treatment,exocrine gland function improved, with the total effective rate of 86.4%;(結(jié)果外分泌腺功能總積分較治療前有明顯改善,總有效率為86.4%;)
  • 4、Objective To study the clinical features of the extraexocrine gland symptoms of primary Sjgren syndrome(PSS) in elderly people.(目的探討老年人原發(fā)性干燥綜合征(PSS)的腺外表現(xiàn)特點(diǎn)。)

exocrine gland基本釋義

exocrine gland

英 [?eks?ukrain ɡl?nd] 美 [??ks?kr?n ɡl?nd] 

