
dragon boat造句

dragon boat造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:11:48


dragon boat造句

  • 1、How about thedragon boat sport?(龍舟運(yùn)動怎么樣?)
  • 2、When is thedragon boat Festival this year?(今年端午節(jié)是什么時候呢?)
  • 3、Thedragon boat Festival is coming near.(端午節(jié)快到了。)
  • 4、People are havingdragon boat races.(人們正在進(jìn)行龍舟比賽。)
  • 5、Tomorrow is thedragon boat Festival.(明天是端午節(jié)。)
  • 6、dragon boat racing is the most popular activity during thedragon boat Festival.(賽龍舟是端午節(jié)期間最受歡迎的活動。)
  • 7、Everydragon boat Festival, the town will hold adragon boat race.(每年端午節(jié)鎮(zhèn)子里都要舉行賽龍舟活動。)
  • 8、Will you watch thedragon boat races?(你會看劃龍舟競賽嗎?)
  • 9、My favorite festival is thedragon boat Festival.(我最喜歡的節(jié)日是龍舟節(jié)。)
  • 10、In many countries, people will hold updragon boat racing to celebrate thedragon boat Festival.(在很多國家,人們通過舉辦龍舟賽來慶祝端午節(jié)。)
  • 11、What is adragon boat?(什么是龍舟?)
  • 12、Thedragon boat Festival is a traditional festival in China.(端午節(jié)是中國的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。)
  • 13、The Duanwu Festival, also called thedragon boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.(端午節(jié),又叫龍舟節(jié),是為了紀(jì)念愛國詩人屈原。)
  • 14、I want to watch thedragon boat race.(我想看龍舟比賽。)
  • 15、The origin of thedragon boat Festival is to recall the soul of Qu Yuan.(龍舟節(jié)的起源是為了緬懷屈原的靈魂。)
  • 16、Japan'sdragon boat Festival is from China.(日本的端午節(jié)是由中國傳入的。)
  • 17、We talked about thedragon boat Festival.(我們談到了端午節(jié)。)
  • 18、I will watchdragon boat races.(我將要看龍舟賽。)
  • 19、Yes, thedragon boat Festival is coming soon!(是的,端午節(jié)快要來了!)
  • 20、Thedragon boat is made of wood, with mythical dragon head and dragon tail decorations on it.(龍舟是木制的,上面有神話中的龍頭和龍尾裝飾。)
  • 21、People watch thedragon boat race, too.(人們也觀看龍舟競賽。)
  • 22、The Dragon-boat festival is one of our traditional festivals. On that day, people will eat sticky rice dumplings anddragon boat races.(端午節(jié)是我們傳統(tǒng)的節(jié)日之一。在那一天,人們會吃粽子和賽龍舟。)
  • 23、Have you seen thedragon boat race?(你看過劃龍舟比賽嗎?)
  • 24、dragon boat Race is one of the traditional Chinese sports.(“龍舟競渡”是中華民族傳統(tǒng)體育項目之一。)
  • 25、Let's chase thedragon boat.(我們一同去追逐龍舟吧。)
  • 26、I wish a happydragon boat Festival!(祝端午節(jié)快樂!) haO86.com
  • 27、This is a wonderfuldragon boat race!(這就是精彩的賽龍舟!)
  • 28、Happydragon boat Festival!(端午節(jié)快樂!)
  • 29、Thedragon boat Festival begins next Tuesday.(端午節(jié)從下個星期二開始。)
  • 30、On thisdragon boat Festival, our school held adragon boat racing in which our team won the first place.(在這個端午節(jié),我們學(xué)校舉辦了一次龍舟比賽,我們隊贏得了一等獎。)

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dragon boat
