
dress up as造句

dress up as造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:11:49


dress up as造句

  • 1、We are supposed todress up as movie characters for the party.(我們在晚會上要裝扮得像電影中的角色。)
  • 2、But what if you or your kids want todress up as him for Halloween?(但如果你或你的孩子想他裝扮萬圣節(jié)?)
  • 3、She intended todress up as a ghost.(她打算裝扮成鬼的模樣。)
  • 4、I'lldress up as Monkey King.(我要裝扮成猴王。)
  • 5、I like todress up as nice clowns and scary ones.(我喜歡裝扮成善解人意的小丑和膽小的小丑。)
  • 6、Theydress up as ghosts and witches.(他們打扮成幽靈和巫婆的樣子。)
  • 7、Let'sdress up as policewomen.(我們假扮成女警察吧。)
  • 8、Mom insists that wedress up as monsters.(媽媽堅持要我們打扮成怪物。)
  • 9、They can alsodress up as fun things like cartoon characters.(他們還可以裝扮成有趣的東西,像卡通人物。)
  • 10、Theydress up as monsters and go to their neighbours'houses.(打扮成妖怪去鄰居家,敲著門大喊:“不給糖就搗蛋!”)
  • 11、The children decided todress up as pirates.(孩子們決定打扮成海盜。)
  • 12、Idress up as a ghost.(我穿得像幽靈。)
  • 13、Many childrendress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.(許多孩子們裝扮成電影人物或最喜愛的英雄。) hAo86.com
  • 14、Theydress up as ghosts, witches or frightening Dracula.(他們裝扮成鬼、巫婆或者可怕的吸血鬼。)
  • 15、Little girlsdress up as angels for fiestas.(小女孩們在節(jié)日里扮成天使的樣子。)
  • 16、Are men whodress up as women popular in China?(男的打扮成女的那樣在中國流行嗎?)
  • 17、He liked todress up as a sailor.(他喜歡裝扮成水手模樣。)
  • 18、Pleasedress up as a girl for the party.(請你穿得像女孩子一點參加派對。)
  • 19、Youdress up as such, it is to this world any dissatisfaction?(你打扮成這樣,是對這個世界有什么不滿么?)
  • 20、They alldress up as doctors.(他們都打扮成醫(yī)生模樣。)
  • 21、Even little kidsdress up as ghosts or black cats.(甚至小孩子都裝扮成鬼怪或者黑貓。)
  • 22、They have organized games and the staffdress up as clowns.(他們組織了游戲,并且店里的員工都化裝成小丑。)
  • 23、Let'sdress up as ghosts.(我們打扮成鬼的樣子吧。)
  • 24、I wannadress up as a vampire with big fangs.(我想扮成長著尖牙的吸血鬼!)
  • 25、I'lldress up as little as you can.(小三你的葬禮,我會盛裝出席。)
  • 26、They had some mendress up as ambassadors to go to Israel.(他們派出一些人假扮使者到以色列人那里去。)
  • 27、The children like todress up as cartoon characters.(孩子們喜歡打扮成卡通人物。)

dress up as基本釋義