call at造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:11:15


call at造句

  • 1、A phonecall at the end of a shopping expedition would summon the car back.(購(gòu)物結(jié)束一個(gè)電話就會(huì)招回汽車(chē)。)
  • 2、The Buzz fiasco was a wake-upcall at Google.(Buzz的慘敗讓谷歌警醒。)
  • 3、About three weeks later I got acall at my office from the nursing home.(三周以后,我接到養(yǎng)老院打來(lái)的電話。)
  • 4、A couplecall at another bird that has invaded their territory.(天鵝夫婦對(duì)侵入自己領(lǐng)地的鳥(niǎo)兒大吵大嚷。)
  • 5、Do wecall at Rome?(我們?cè)诹_馬停留嗎?)
  • 6、After the first year, she gave me her home number and I wouldcall at our appointed times.(第一年之后,她給了我她們家的電話號(hào),我也常常在我們約定的時(shí)間給她打電話。)
  • 7、He wouldcall at eight it was ten.(他通常會(huì)在八點(diǎn)打過(guò)來(lái),但現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)十點(diǎn)了。)
  • 8、Just tell him I'll expect hiscall at 10 this evening. My number is 4856659, Thanks.(請(qǐng)告訴他我今晚10點(diǎn)鐘等他的回話,我的電話號(hào)碼是4856659,謝謝。)
  • 9、I would like to have a morningcall at 8:00 in the morning.(我要早上8:00設(shè)定電話叫醒。)
  • 10、Police received acall at 6:50 a.m.(警方在早上6點(diǎn)50接到了報(bào)警電話。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、Could you give me a morningcall at 8 o 'clock tomorrow morning?(你明天早上8點(diǎn)可以用電話叫我起床嗎?)
  • 12、This works fine when the server is making one asynchronous readcall at a time.(在一個(gè)時(shí)間段內(nèi),服務(wù)器通過(guò)異步讀取調(diào)用是很好的。)
  • 13、I asked for a wake-upcall at 6.30 a.m.(我請(qǐng)他們?cè)谠绯?:30打電話叫醒我。)
  • 14、Even when trace is disabled, your code willcall at least one logger method per trace point.(甚至當(dāng)跟蹤禁用時(shí),您的代碼將在每個(gè)跟蹤點(diǎn)至少調(diào)用一個(gè)日志記錄器方法。)
  • 15、Give the hotel acall at 41-22-906-6666. They will probably cut you a deal.(預(yù)定電話41-22-906-6666,祝你討到一個(gè)好價(jià)錢(qián)。)
  • 16、To get acall at 7 in the morning.(早上7點(diǎn)我會(huì)接到電話。)
  • 17、Delighted! Willcall at 2 p.m. tomorrow.(來(lái)?xiàng)l收悉,定于明天下午兩點(diǎn)拜訪。)
  • 18、Yes, Let's. Oh, please remind me to make a phonecall at seven.(是的,走吧。喔,請(qǐng)?zhí)嵝盐以谄唿c(diǎn)打個(gè)電話。)
  • 19、Doctor Liu is oncall at all times.(不論什么時(shí)候劉醫(yī)生隨叫隨到。)
  • 20、Could I have an alarmcall at 5.30 tomorrow, please?(請(qǐng)?jiān)诿魈煸绯?:30打電話叫醒我好嗎?)
  • 21、The Web service you willcall at runtime has a URL, which you will need to note.(在運(yùn)行時(shí)調(diào)用的Web服務(wù)有一個(gè)URL,您需要注意。)
  • 22、Would you give me a wake upcall at six tomorrow morning?(請(qǐng)你明天早上6點(diǎn)鐘叫醒我,好嗎?)
  • 23、May Icall at your office sometime?(我能去辦公室拜訪你嗎?)
  • 24、The police dispatcher received thecall at around 10:30 a.m.(警察局的調(diào)度員在早上十點(diǎn)半左右接到電話。)