
call back造句

call back造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:11:15


call back造句

  • 1、You cannotcall back your oath.(你不能收回你的誓言。)
  • 2、She said she'dcall back.(她說她會再打電話來。)
  • 3、Can youcall back tomorrow?(明天你能回電話嗎?)
  • 4、Man: It's okay, I'llcall back later. Thank you.(男:不用了,我過一會打過來,謝謝。)
  • 5、And she told them it was impolite tocall back people Negroes.(并且她還告訴他們稱呼黑人“Negroes”是不禮貌的。)
  • 6、Please hold my telephone calls and just take a message. I cancall back later.(請別掛斷我的電話,先留個言,我一會兒會再打來的。)
  • 7、Forget the lag time of email or waiting for acall back.(不再需要無止境地等待電子郵件或者是電話回復。)
  • 8、Thecall back to the server contains one parameter: position.(對服務器的回調(diào)包含一個參數(shù):position。)
  • 9、He didn'tcall back after that.(這之后他沒有再打來。)
  • 10、B Liz, can youcall back in an hour?(b李茲,你能一小時以后打過來嗎?)
  • 11、Would you like to leave a message orcall back later?(你愿意留話還是過后再打過來。)
  • 12、Can Icall back then?(到時候我再打電話好嗎?)
  • 13、Can youcall back in an hour?(你能一小時之后再打回來嗎?)
  • 14、A Oh, I'm sorry. I'llcall back around 12.(A噢,對不起。我12點左右打給你。)
  • 15、I'llcall back at a more convenient time.(在方便的時候我會回電話的。)
  • 16、You can ask them tocall back: can youcall back in an hour?(你可以請他呆會再打過來:Canyoucallbackinanhour?)
  • 17、Dumbly, I replied, "Okay. I willcall back later."(我默默地回答:“好吧,我過會再打吧?!?
  • 18、Women expect men to keep trying, so they just don'tcall back.(女人們喜歡男人不斷地嘗試,所以她們才不回電話的。)
  • 19、Could youcall back in a few minutes?(你能幾分鐘以后再打過來嗎?)
  • 20、The above steps let youcall back to DB2 to get the client IP address.(上述步驟讓您回調(diào)DB2來獲得客戶機IP地址。)
  • 21、call back thy poor wandering memory.(喚回你可憐的,四處游蕩的記憶吧。)
  • 22、She didn't get a singlecall back to a second interview when she wore the boots.(在穿靴子參加面試的情況下,她沒有接到一個通知她復試的電話。) haO86.com
  • 23、If the person is busy, many time-tacticians make an appointment tocall back.(如果那個人此時正忙,許多善于運用時間的人就會約個時間再回電話。)
  • 24、Sorry, she isn't in. Pleasecall back later.(對不起,她不在。請過一會兒再來電話。)
  • 25、If the phone rings, say you'llcall back after dinner.(如果有電話,就說你晚飯后打回去。)
  • 26、B: No, thanks. I willcall back later.(不用了,謝謝,我待會再打過來。)
  • 27、Can you hang up andcall back?(您把電話掛了,然后再打過來,可以嗎?)
  • 28、I cancall back later.(我一會兒打回去。)
  • 29、Let mecall back later again.(我稍后再打電話來。)
  • 30、Could youcall back later, please?(請稍后再打電話來好嗎?)

call back基本釋義

call back

英 [k?:l b?k] 美 [k?l b?k] 
回電話; 收回