
by the book造句

by the book造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:11:14


by the book造句

  • 1、The book was received with adulation by the public.(這本書受到公眾的盲目崇拜。)
  • 2、Elizabeth was consumedby the book.(伊麗莎白為這本書變得憔悴了。) hao86.com
  • 3、Do thingsby the book and you will make great strides in your work today.(今天,按部就班的工作可能會(huì)更適合你。)
  • 4、By mid-August the book was a bestseller.(到8月中旬,這本書已經(jīng)是暢銷書了。)
  • 5、But Pope is firm; they’ve got to follow procedureby the book.(但是Pope強(qiáng)硬地拒絕了,他認(rèn)為必須要按照常規(guī)手續(xù)來行動(dòng)。)
  • 6、The book is, by turns , funny and very sad.(這部書時(shí)而妙趣橫生,時(shí)而悲悲戚戚。)
  • 7、He is an unimaginative individual who does everythingby the book.(他是個(gè)一切照章辦事,缺乏想象力的人。)
  • 8、I remember a movie I watchedby the book .(這本書使我想起我以前看過的那部電視劇。)
  • 9、He is an unimaginative person who does everythingby the book.(他是個(gè)缺乏想像力、一切照章辦事的人。)
  • 10、I can't be convincedby the book.(我不能被這本書說服。)
  • 11、I always goby the book.(我總是照章辦事。)
  • 12、One guy was perfect. Followed all the recommendationsby the book. Perfect tone. Changing rate.(那個(gè)小伙子的演講相當(dāng)出色,幾乎遵循了教材的所有要求:完美的語調(diào)、完美的語速。)
  • 13、Will we get the book out by the end of the year?(我們這本書將在年底前出版嗎?)
  • 14、He can read the book page by page.(他能一頁一頁地翻看書本。)
  • 15、There is no"baseballby the book"appropriate for every team and every level.(現(xiàn)實(shí)中并沒有對(duì)任何級(jí)別棒球隊(duì)都能行之有效的“萬能秘籍”。)
  • 16、We're both hardworking people, and we've done everythingby the book.(我們都是辛勤工作的人,我們做每件事情都循規(guī)蹈矩。)
  • 17、He is always careful to do thingsby the book.(他總是小心翼翼地按規(guī)章辦事。)
  • 18、These rules must be followedby the book, no going out late at night!(這些規(guī)定必須嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行,晚上不許太晚出去。)
  • 19、The novel I had thrown away was chosenby the book Society.(我一度扔掉的那部小說后來被書社選中了。)
  • 20、His interest in the subject was awakenedby the book.(這本書使他對(duì)這門學(xué)科產(chǎn)生了興趣。)
  • 21、This is the book [which] Newton's calculus was introduced [by the book] into China.(③正是通過這本書,使牛頓的微積分介紹到中國來。)
  • 22、She always does everythingby the book.(她總是照章行事。)
  • 23、A spokeswoman said: "We have to do everythingby the book."(一位發(fā)言人說:“我們必須照章辦事?!?
  • 24、By the way, I found that book you were looking for.(順便提一下,我找到了你在尋找的那本書。)

by the book基本釋義

by the book

英 [bai e? buk] 美 [ba? ei b?k] 
按規(guī)則; 依照慣例