
bend over backwards造句

bend over backwards造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:11:02


bend over backwards造句

  • 1、They would alwaysbend over backwards to help us in any possible way.(他們總會(huì)以任何可能的方式來盡力幫助我們。)
  • 2、This is why your bottom moves backwards when you bend over, so that your centre of gravity can still remain over your feet.(這就是為什么你的底部向后移動(dòng)時(shí),你彎腰時(shí)使你的重心仍在你的腳下。)
  • 3、Bossesbend over backwards to keep salespeople with good attitudes and look for excuses to fire the malcontents.(老板們總是拼命留住那些態(tài)度積極的銷售員,同時(shí)找機(jī)會(huì)炒掉那些心存不滿的銷售人員。)
  • 4、"If we find an actor we really want, we willbend over backwards," Mr. Greenblatt says.(“要是找到我們真正想要的演員,我們就會(huì)竭盡所能?!备窳植祭叵壬f。)
  • 5、When your intentions are presented that clearly, customers willbend over backwards to help you build what they need.(當(dāng)您的意圖表述明確時(shí),客戶將退居背后幫助您建立他們需要的東西。)
  • 6、If you ask her to help in the project, she is certain tobend over backwards to do whatever she can.(如果你請(qǐng)她幫忙搞這個(gè)工程,她肯定會(huì)竭盡全力地幫助你。)
  • 7、Our Affiliate Managers willbend over backwards to make sure you will get the most for your traffic!(我們下屬經(jīng)理將腰彎得最清楚你會(huì)為你的交通!)
  • 8、The device created is based on the idea that "time's arrow, " pointing forward, cannotbend over backwards to undo events that have already occurred.(這個(gè)裝置是基于單向的“時(shí)間線”制造的,即過去已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事不能消除。)
  • 9、This could be an important deal for us, sobend over backwards to impress them.(這對(duì)我們可是很重要的交易,要使出渾身解數(shù)令他們印象深刻。)
  • 10、It's one of the those days, I wish something worked without me having tobend over backwards.(這是一個(gè)那些日子里,我想沒有什么工作我不得不向后彎曲。)
  • 11、In addition to being open to relocating, you may have tobend over backwards to get a job or impress an employer.(除愿意換地方外,你必須要竭盡全力去得到工作或打動(dòng)雇主。) hao86.com
  • 12、It is other companies thatbend over backwards to comply with Apple, and not the other way around.(到最后還不是其他公司都拼命去迎合蘋果,而沒有其他路可以走。)
  • 13、Sue willbend over backwards to help her friends.(蘇會(huì)盡全力幫助朋友。)
  • 14、Can you bend your thumb backwards until it touches your wrist? If you join your hands behind your back, can you lift them over your head without letting go?(你是否能將大拇指向后彎曲直至其觸碰到手腕部位?你將雙手在背后緊握,是否能夠?qū)⑵渑e過頭頂而不松手?)

bend over backwards基本釋義

bend over backwards

[bend ??uv? ?b?kw?dz] 

