
close in on造句

close in on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:11:24


close in on造句

  • 1、When I'm on the ship , I can hear the voice of the sea , I feel it's in my soul . it's so close to me.(當我在船上的時候,我可以聽見大海的聲音,我感覺到它就在我靈魂里。它和我如此的接近。)
  • 2、Before the boys can flee, the policeclose in on them.(警察包圍了他們,兩個男孩無處可逃。)
  • 3、Close-up of the basic face I work on in less than an hour.(用了不到一小時的時間,我完成了基本的臉部形態(tài)。)
  • 4、Far from that happening, global trends will increasinglyclose in on export-driven China.(事實遠非如此,外貿(mào)推動的中國經(jīng)濟正在面臨全球頹勢的嚴峻考驗。)
  • 5、This allows them toclose in on their enemies from a favorable position.(這使他們將在他們的敵人有利地位。)
  • 6、All the shop in the centre of town close on Sunday.(星期日市中心的所有商店關(guān)門。)
  • 7、In this lighting, I took this close shot of a rusty chain on a fence.(在這種光線下,我為一條籬笆上的銹鐵鏈拍下這張?zhí)貙憽?
  • 8、Every time I close the door on reality, it comes in through the window.(我每次閉門不納現(xiàn)實,它都從窗戶進來。)
  • 9、In going one year, two companies had undertaken close cooperation on this one project.(過去一年中,兩家公司已經(jīng)在這一項目上進行了密切的合作。)
  • 10、For those of you who are in pain or have lost someone close to you, I'm sure you can call on anyone of us and have help any time you need it.(而對于那些正在忍受疼痛的或者是悲痛的失去親近的人的傷心者,我要對你們說,你們可以在任何需要的時候依靠我們中間的任何一個人!)
  • 11、He drew a chair near but not close to her, and sat on it in silence.(他把椅子挪近她,但不是離得很近,然后靜靜地坐下來。)
  • 12、From then on, he would be in close contact with people, maybe for a year or more.(從那時起,他將與人群發(fā)生親密接觸,他大概將在那里待上一年多的時間。)
  • 13、It has a built-in electric motor which can open or close the umbrella on demand.(它有一個可以根據(jù)需要開合雨傘的內(nèi)置電動馬達。)
  • 14、By 2050, the figure is likely toclose in on a third, at 32.5%.(到2050年,這個數(shù)字接近三分之一,為32.5%。)
  • 15、Because when you're up on that point, you see anything that's in the water and anything close to the surface.(因為當你在那里的時候,你可以看到水里的任何東西和貼近水面的一切。)
  • 16、It was strange to see her own face in close-up on the screen.(在屏幕上看見她自己的臉部特寫使她感到奇怪。)
  • 17、Please stay in close touch from now on .(從現(xiàn)在開始請保持密切的聯(lián)系。)
  • 18、Click Close on the policy canvas as shown in Figure 69.(在策略畫布上單擊Close,如圖69所示。)
  • 19、It fell 5.1% on Monday to its lowest close in more than a year.(股指周一暴跌5.1%,創(chuàng)一年多以來最低收盤點位。)
  • 20、You here in Minnesota can close the book on the Clintons once and for all.(明尼蘇達州人可以一勞永逸地把克林頓這一頁翻過去。)
  • 21、George is in love with a girl. I saw them sitting close together on the lawn of a golf course last night.(喬治正和一個女孩子戀愛。我昨晚看到他們緊緊靠著坐在一座高爾夫球場的草皮上。)
  • 22、Strange in the coming year is the most close and so on.(來年陌生的是昨日最親的某某。) hAo86.com
  • 23、Let usclose in on nature and come to grips with her.(讓我們接近大自然并努力對付大自然吧!)
  • 24、Even well disciplined Germany is expected toclose in on the 90% threshold, at 88.5%.(即使最守紀律的德國預計也將逼近90%的門檻,達到88.5%。)
  • 25、The walls won'tclose in on us, will they?(墻不會把我們擠在一起吧,會嗎?)
  • 26、He sat up and felt the dark walls of Santa Caterinaclose in on him.(他坐起來,感到圣卡塔林納的黑黢黢的墻壁將他團團圍住了。)
  • 27、On a visit in July, I spoke to a number of people who were or had once been close to ETA.(在七月的一次參觀中,我和很多曾與ETA往來的人交流過。)
  • 28、Your thoughtsclose in on the problem like ravenous wolves.(你迫近問題的想法像一只貪婪的狼。)

close in on基本釋義