chicken wing造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:11:22


chicken wing造句

  • 1、I looked at thechicken wings, swallow the water, achicken wing, three people, for who?(我又望了望那個(gè)雞翅,咽了口口水,一個(gè)雞翅,三個(gè)人,給誰(shuí)吃呢?)
  • 2、Use my fork to make barbecuedchicken wing?(拿我的叉子烤雞翅膀?)
  • 3、He would spend hours assuring that each piece was placed in just the right position -be it achicken wing, an old pot, a plug or a lump of wood.(他會(huì)花大量時(shí)間確保每個(gè)碎片都擺放在確切的位置—-不論是雞翅膀,一口舊鍋,一個(gè)插頭還是一塊木頭。)
  • 4、Examples of high saturated fat snacks include cookies, wafer biscuits, cakes, egg tart etc.; oily deep-fried snacks include deep-friedchicken wing and French fries.(飽和脂肪含量高的零食有曲奇、威化餅干、蛋糕、蛋撻等;還有油炸類零食,比如油炸雞翅和炸薯?xiàng)l。)
  • 5、chicken wing cold water scalds to become seven mature necessaries how longtime?(雞翅冷水焯成七成熟需多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?)
  • 6、Pu-Pu Platter has many things on it, subgum wonton, Friedchicken wing, pork ribs, Fried shrimp, Beef on a stick, and egg rolls.(那里面有很多東西:素什錦餛飩,炸雞翅,豬肋條,炸蝦,牛肉串還有蛋卷。)
  • 7、Time is a chicken forever on the wing.(時(shí)間是一只永遠(yuǎn)在飛翔的鳥。)
  • 8、He chose the crab and I chose thechicken wing.(他選了螃蟹,我選了雞翅。)
  • 9、Walking on the streets, you bump into an old woman who is just spitting out a bone of achicken wing and the bone falls on your new Birkenstock.(逛街的時(shí)候,迎面遇上一位啃雞翅的歐巴桑,她正好在吐骨頭,而骨頭掉在你新買的勃肯鞋上。)
  • 10、Mom gives the lastchicken wing to my sister.(媽媽把最后一塊雞翅給了妹妹。)
  • 11、Classic Buffalo-stylechicken wing sauce is composed of 2 ingredients: a vinegar-based cayenne pepper hot sauce and butter.(經(jīng)典水牛炸翅的腌制醬料是混合醋和黃油的辣椒沙司。)
  • 12、chicken wing meat is my favorite.(雞翅子上的肉我最愛吃。)
  • 13、Mm? These are good! I think every day should bechicken wing Day.(真好吃!我想每一天都應(yīng)該是“雞翅日”。)
  • 14、"You gradually go from the long arms and huge hands of non-avian Maniraptorans to something that looks like thechicken wing you get at KFC," says Sues.(“非鳥手盜龍的長(zhǎng)臂和巨掌逐漸演化成你在肯德基中經(jīng)??吹降目倦u翅,”蘇伊士說。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、Traditional Indonesian Fried rice with beef satay,chicken wing and prawn crackers, topped with Fried egg.(傳統(tǒng)印尼炒飯配牛肉沙嗲,雞翅,蝦片及煎蛋。)
  • 16、chicken wing is my favorite.(雞翅是我的最愛。)
  • 17、I like to eatchicken wing. I can make it.(我喜歡吃雞翅膀,我能做到。)
  • 18、Beside of this, don't forget to pick up a recycle zipper bag in packing size, such aschicken wing in 2lbs as well.(除了可密封的器皿,不要忘記還有重用密封口膠袋,如雞中翼的2磅包裝袋。)
  • 19、His skin had lost its luster and had a dull, leathery look, like achicken wing left in the freezer too long.(他的皮膚已經(jīng)失去了光澤,看上去有點(diǎn)暗淡的皮革色,像一只放在冰箱里太久的雞翅。)
  • 20、The perfectchicken wing partner, you know, 4)spawned perfectly from that conversation.(完美的雞翅伴侶,就從那段對(duì)話中完美誕生了。)
  • 21、Very wants to eat thechicken wing together with you!(很想和你一起吃雞翅!)
  • 22、I remember 30 years ago no one wanted thechicken wing.(我還記得30年前,沒人愿意吃雞翅膀。)
  • 23、This often feels strange and ridiculous to many swimmers. Swimmers who have been used to doing thechicken wing recovery for years. Take your time to discover this new movement.(這個(gè)動(dòng)作對(duì)很多人來(lái)說都很奇怪,他們已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了雞式回臂好多年了,花點(diǎn)時(shí)間慢慢地研究一下這個(gè)新動(dòng)作。)

chicken wing基本釋義
